Information publication from year to year are becoming fatter and even if you are prescribed or buy any one of them is not always possible to read it completely. And pending Newspapers and magazines accumulate, gramzdas uncomfortable and sleazy slide, and find the desired room becomes difficult. The problem is simplified if the location of periodicals to make a simple special magazine rack in the tank which, as the banknote in your wallet will rest deferred for later viewing Newspapers and magazines.

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ONE-STORY, BUT WITH ATTICThe beginning of the nineties were particularly unpredictable are growing by leaps and bounds. Of ordered structures in my summer cottage, the builders made the walls to the chopped bath dimensions 5×3 m without a roof, and disappeared. Remained nothing how to take for completion, but not baths, and a small house with a stove in which it would be bearable to live until better times.

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BABY WAREHOUSEThose of adults who have visited any modern industrial warehouse, involuntarily think of the shelving principle, storage of products, tools or spare parts. But the Hungarian journal “Earmaster” recommends fathers and mothers who in the family has a small child, to apply this principle when furnishing a child’s room, having made simple and convenient open shelving to accommodate numerous toys.

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TABLE-PACKAGEIt may be appropriate for the kitchen and the nursery, and at the cottage would be comfortable due to the peculiarities of its construction — if necessary, the table folds up, taking up half of the square, becoming a kind of narrow bedside table.
The need for this kind of furniture is clear: as a rule, there is always a need for the entire surface of the table, and he takes a lot. So there are many options to reduce, if necessary, the dimensions of the tabletop: they are sliding-sliding, rotating, composite, folding — depending on the way of such a temporary “miniaturization”. In this embodiment, proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” use the principle of rotation of the supporting table supports with lowering more than half the countertops.

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NOT ONLY VICEOf course, treating detail at home, you can keep it and just hand, but it is better to use a vise (if they exist of course) — this will increase the usability and reduce the risk of injury. However, the vise can always help — so varied are the details with which to work. In these cases, the help of simple devices. Some of them we provided in the proposed collection.

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FRAME... FROM BOARDSThe desire to build the house occurred to me simultaneously with the receipt in the middle of 1980-ies of land— coveted six acres. Problem how to build a house: brick or wood— it was not. Brick and concrete walls rather tired and in town. Naturally, the choice fell on the hardwood. Only here what type to prefer: chopped (log, Brusova) or panel-frame— this question remained open. All agreed the case.

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BEE DINING ROOMDesigned and manufactured by me bee feeder resembles a school pencil case. The side and rear walls made of planks with cross section mm 60×10 each of them with the 4-mm deviation from the upper edge chose a circular saw, the groove depth of 4 mm the width of the groove was done such that the valve is cut from a glass, entered into it freely. Given its front wall height is 8 mm less than the side and rear.

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BURNER FOR GAS-FLAME BRAZINGPropano-butane mixture, which is filled in cylinders for household gas stoves, in optimal conditions, burns in air with a flame temperature up to 1200 °C. It is sufficient to work with “hard” (sredneivkino) alloys: copper-zinc (brass), silver. But to get a flame, the burner must provide good mixing of gas with air, that is, feeding them at a specific ratio — no more and no less! For easy work with small parts torch should be fine, but at the same time steady and fairly hot.

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Mobile phone with an optical nozzleIn the early XIX century the French scientist Augustin Jean Fresnel has created an unusual lens, which are not brushed solid piece of glass with a spherical surface, and a set of individual adjacent to each other concentric rings of small thickness, having a cross-sectional shape of the prisms of the special profile. This he achieved small thickness and light weight lenses. Fresnel lens in the past, have found application mainly in large lighting fixtures type marine beacons and today is actively used, for example, in projectors, in viewfinders of cameras and flashbulbs. Small thickness of such a lens allows you to release them in the form of plastic transparent rulers bookmarks, which are usually used by people with low vision read small text.

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ETERNAL MICROVENTILATIONThe ventilation needs of many suburban buildings. Without it, mold in houses and sheds, get wet cellars and basements, and only use luftblasen, where there is no fan, to put it mildly, uncomfortable.
Of course, to equip the toilet or cellar electric supply or exhaust fan is not difficult, however, many summer cottages are not always electrified. But the fan that I want to tell the readers, electricity is not required – it rotates… rotor wind turbine.

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