HOUSE PETA roof over my head and need a four-legged friend that’s guarding your house. It does not require much, but shelter from the weather is necessary and the dog. And to build a kennel is available to any owner, and this does not require special skills, special tools or materials – enough that usually have on hand: boards, roofing material, nails, handsaw, hammer.
So, for the cause!

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DESIGN OF THE SHARDS...No need to be a technician to do such wonderful things. Old vase turned into the original decoration of the interior; a simple clay bowl in the Cup with an elegant geometric ornament; and from the frame out of plywood for a mirror it is impossible to look away. What looks like a set of stories, really — a wooden box decorated with ceramic shards. A clip made of fragments of porcelain and small beads. Good idea for a gift: the same can be decorative pins and brooches.

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MINI WINCHAfter 1990-ies the influx of all sorts of previously scarce goods on the shelves is not cool the imagination and enthusiasm of the Russian homebrew. Confirmation of the club “Russian craftsmen”, created in 1992 in Chelyabinsk and combining proactive and creative craftsmen. Over the years the club has accumulated considerable experience in creating original household devices, and design and technical documentation for their manufacturing. Many homebrew familiar with the work of “Russian craftsman”, gladly use it; the reviews are mostly favorable. The highlight of the club’s structures — maximum utilization of the products ready for the possibility of low-cost parts and components.

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THE COMPRESSOR FROM THE FRIDGEPets compression refrigerators usually serve more than a dozen years. But there comes a time when they become obsolete: most not physically, but mentally, as technological progress does not stand still, and it generates more and more perfect such devices. Acquiring a new, old refrigerators are simply thrown away, although some aggregates still could serve, albeit in a different capacity, or for other purposes.

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AND CHAIR, AND A STEPLADDERDo I need to look at the loft, to hang curtains or drill them holes on the ceiling — a lot of household chores due to the need to use a small stepladder. And if it is at home — begin to pile up substitutes from the existing furniture, which can lead to falls and serious consequences.

Those who got the ladder, we have to solve another problem: where to put that bulky thing to store so that it is not interfered with — because the need for it occurs not often. That’s why many may be interested in the ingenious design proposed by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”.

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YAK-3THE YAK-3. Scale model 1:33.

Proposed to build a paper model-copy of the Yak-3, which fought pilot regiment “Normandie-Niemen” post-graduate student face of the Brand in December 1944. Of the tools and materials you will need: cardboard, about 1 mm thick (you can use a box from under the Shoe, etc.), wire 0.5-1 mm (and staples), Mylar, or p/e film (for the transparent parts of the canopy) a few wooden toothpicks or matchsticks, scissors, sharp knife or razor blade, awl, ruler, a few clothespins, a small sheet of sandpaper medium grain, white glue (best score) or other for bonding paper.

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These doors from the usual wood, similar to the half-open blinds, immediately attract the attention of customers in the store its modernity, while they stand next to framed “sisters” from valuable breeds. And they attract the eye first and foremost for its originality. Maybe that’s why not cheap. Their main advantage — they are breathable, which is important for areas with insufficient natural ventilation (e.g. storerooms), as well as many types of furniture, especially wardrobes and kitchen cabinets, cabinets for shoes, etc. the construction of the same lamella (plate) door and doors is so simple that you can make them even a novice handyman. In addition to abundant materials will require more patience and precision, without which, as is known, no one thing will do.

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В истории этот самолет известен как армейский разведчик Р-1, скопированный русскими инженерами с английского “De Havilland” D.Н.9. Обычно сведущими в истории авиации людьми значимость машины оценивается невысоко. Считается, что Р-1 явился лишь некоей прелюдией перед действительно полноценными боевыми аппаратами. В советский период это мнение не обсуждалось, особого интереса ворошить «поросшую мхом» историю не имелось. Ну, был такой аэроплан – и был, строили его по причине недостатка средств и опыта. В больших войнах Р-1 не участвовал, заметного влияния на какие-либо события не оказал.

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SUITE NO LEGS...Indeed, this set of furniture consisting of small tables and chairs, no legs in their usual sense: the role of vertical support panel and wooden stand, on which rest the table top and seat. This greatly simplifies Assembly and makes such furniture, recommended by the Hungarian magazine “Earmaster” for a child’s room, it is available for self-production.

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