It will look good not only in the countryside but in a city apartment, featuring special convenience and originality of design (in addition, it is available for self-production). The fact that this easy chair has compared to other similar one is undoubtedly the winning advantage: the position of the backrest can be changed, giving it the most comfortable for you angle. Let us consider by what means this is achieved.
Currently, there are many indoor fountains (KF), designed for interior decoration and humidification of residential and industrial premises. However, the price of these lovely devices, to put it mildly, somewhat exaggerated. Therefore, in the club “Russian craftsmen” (Chelyabinsk) was developed and tested technology of the fountains available and cheap materials. The whole structure of KF is based on a decorative base, inside of which sits the water tank. At its bottom is installed on the suction cups pump. On the output nozzle of the pump mounted discharge hose (flexible tube) coming out through the holes in the cover (the sump) and stand. The return water into the tank through a fitting in the cap and the drain hose.
Preparations for the construction of the fifth battleship in the Baltic sea began in the period is quite difficult for domestic shipbuilding. At that time it was still unclear which path the future development of this class of ships are they going to build a reduced displacement battleships of the “Gangut” destined for action in closed sea theaters, or larger type, “Navarino”, and may not even continue their construction and focus on creating big cruisers?
Affordable and easy to use automatic cameras-“soap” can make any person a photographer. The presence everywhere for the service of photographers specialized items the most famous foreign firms (it is a pity that Russian is not among them) makes it easy and relatively inexpensive within an hour or two to obtain beautiful colored glossy pictures. Camera instant shooting reduce the process of getting photos to a few seconds.
There is no need to prove how important it is to have in the garden water supplies that happen with irrigation system and flower beds with lawns for the week of the July heat will turn to hay. So when my old steel tank had rusted and sprung a leak, there was an urgent need to find a replacement.
The first thing that came to mind to order the same, and then dye it and braid wild grapes, to fit into the landscape. But tank black steel is not only unsightly, it is also impractical: and roads, and rust. It is good to make the tank from aluminum or stainless steel, but the price!!! But to use such a tank may have only one season: winter comes “away” and “privatize” your treasure for scrap.
Many of those who contain animals in the house or apartment, the familiar pattern when a dog or a cat, licking remains of food from the bowl, rides on the floor of the emptied vessel, creating an annoying noise. The situation is even worse when the animal upsets filled the bowl. But to avoid such problems is not difficult — it is necessary for the bowl to stand in the form of andirons. In the village house where there was a Russian stove (and in what house it was not?), among their cooking utensils (tagankov) was kept a few and different “caliber.”
THE MIDDLE BOMBER, THE YAK-2. Scale model 1:33.
In February 1939 at the Moscow Central airfield Frunze has a nice twin-engined monoplane dvuhkilevoe. Experienced eye it was clear that the aircraft can show very high performance. Even without knowing the brand of the machine, no doubt in the fact that it is designed in OKB A. S. Yakovlev is a young but quite famous aircraft designer. Well decorated, carefully painted and polished to a Shine, his machine carried on the rudders branded white and red stripes.
Any frame — big or small — design “strict”: makes serious demands on the butto-ness of angles and their careful execution and connection. To simplify the manufacture and to get a quality frame with less effort, the French magazine “System D” offers two simple and convenient devices, which you can do yourself: a tablet for cutting sticks or baguette and a press for bonding of the workpieces.
Sooner or later, in the drawers of your Desk, accumulates such a quantity of clippings from Newspapers, magazines, old brochures, notes that it is necessary to decide what to do with them next. There is of course, a radical method – to give it all back in and then put on the bookshelf. But this may not everywhere and not all. There are other, more simple variant: to lay down the clippings in folders with strap and remove the closed part of the Cabinet. Closed because these folders in the apartment don’t look very nice. But by putting them there, you lose these materials, which is not always desirable.
Usually a small supply of potatoes is in the house constantly. Keep it in the cold (which is a large part of the year) in the kitchen: in bag, box or bucket. But such containers, except that is already scarce in our kitchens right now, to put it mildly, the interior is not decorated. I for storing potatoes made a neat voluminous stool with padded seat, which can fit up to three buckets of root crops. Bench simple, and made it a common tool, which is in the building each owner. Materials is also one of those that always have on hand.