Programs of calculation of biorhythms for modern personal computers created many, and with fine graphics, user-friendly interface. But not every owner of a computer “Pentium”, not to mention ultra new generations of PC to these programs ispolzovat.
They say, miracles do not happen. And yet… take a Look sometime in a spare moment in the yard of the house № 11 on the 2nd passage Schukinskaya in Moscow and you will see the real miracles! They appear in this courtyard, along with a surprisingly moving gray-haired man, surrounded by a motley bunch of kids. Opening a small neat shed near the athletic fields, the white-haired man pulls out a one after another some absolutely fantastic machines. One of them resembles a long bench, to which the front, back and sides with attached wheels from scooter; the other, also four, very similar to the old armored car; the third with a motorcycle wheel in front and a propeller at the rear — no matter what is not similar, because such machines do not exist.
A conversation with the Secretary of Donetsk regional Committee of the Komsomol failed: Mikhail Bondarenko was enthusiastic technical creativity of youth in his native mining region. Easy, to remember names, events, and even interesting design.
Anyone who has been in Yalta, remember, of course, the town’s waterfront, a huge concrete boulders, piled in the sea in front of her, furious roar of the waves in them in stormy weather: the man protected the shore from erosion by such “pyramids” that have no wave to move. But what kind of giant they have raised, brought down to this place? Even dvadtsatipyatiletnih truck compared to one with such a stone — a child’s toy.