BED-TRAVELERMany use the sofa-“book”, which is a simple movement converts into a bed for two. There was such a we — Krasnodar production; he had for many years. He has a lot of advantages: good quality, reasonable flow line, modest, utilitarian, a special coziness. Day it can be used as the bench instead of extra chairs to move up, when necessary, to the table; to accommodate the entire family in front of TV or lie down in solitude, stretched out at full length. In General, do not count all amenities and the circumstances of its use — thanks to those who developed it.

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WITCHEDSkis kept slipping off… Leaning on a stick, he made a hesitant step forward, but only tried to pull foot slipped, and I had to start all over again. I waved to him, and, intending to help, was to stomp your feet, succeeding leisurely “ladder” to “tree”. But at this moment his leg again. slipped and almost tknuvshis nose in the snow, he moved out of the middle of the mountains.

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DESIGN NAPKINS...Contemporary polished surface of the dining table, coffee table or bedside tables podtsvetochniki a pity to hide under a tablecloth or other nakryvki. Good Housewives prefer to use a small beautiful napkin-holders, who are also themselves serve as an additional decoration, in addition to the protective functions.

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LOOP ON THE CRANEWhat kind of “aerobatics” not started accidentally discharged the cargo to be hoisted, it will reliably keep a simple but effective lifting device, manufactured by the Leningrad pioneer D. Potemkin. The device consists of a loop sling and guide the rifle with a basic platform and hook. A sling is passed between the replaceable pin of the rifle, grabs the goods at the place of the intended center of gravity and jumped on the hook.

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MAGIC WANDFor grinding of surfaces of metal parts to a mirror Shine created a lot of mechanical devices. However, most of them are designed for processing flat surface, in an extreme case, with only a small curvature. And how to be with different matrices and punches, press forms — after all, they must be treated as carefully!

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CHANGING THE BRUSH The normal brush is good for painting only flat surfaces. That’s why innovators design for complex works of a special brush. The original, with the unusual instrument, outwardly, no resemblance to the brush, though intended to perform it functions. He developed in the Institute Kazorgtechstroy and is designed for painting pipes oil compositions.

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TOBACCO PIPEAmong smokers at all times, alone stood out, those who prefer tubes. This is due not only to the dubious assertion that the pipe is less harmful, but solemnity in the ritual of tamping it with tobacco and the process of Smoking Many of its supporters is captivating, and yet that with all the variety of pipe TOBACCOS they have one thing in common – most of them are scented and smell good.

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THERMOELASTICFor a long time home of the wizard, use foam, which for all its wonderful qualities has a major drawback. when working, clogging the working area is extremely trudnoudalimyh crumbs. The debris formed even when cutting with a sharp knife, and the use of power tools in General can not speak. The best tool for cutting foam sheets is recognized as the heated nichrome filament, stretched between driven into a wooden Board with two nails. To get the same curved surface or shape cutting, you can use a handheld jigsaw, is equipped with a site for installation and connection of the nichrome filament.

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