Nimble like a river “the namesake” this mechanical brush can penetrate into the most inaccessible places, clearing different channels in the machine parts or equipment. Not necessarily straight, but even running at a right angle.
In various sectors of the economy are in the service of conveyors with rubber-fabric belts by moving a variety of materials, details. Therefore, the wide application can find quite a simple device for the preparation of such tapes to the dock, introduced ka production Association “Karatau”.
Old but wise proverb says: “Bread is a head”. Here are only stocking it in store is hopeless. So very quickly it hardens and dries, and then becomes moldy and unfit for consumption. And as you know, especially the delicious fresh bread. But people still have not found a way its long-term storage without loss of taste—except that rusk. But the last mistress use rather of despair.