FROM ONE - TWO!Everyone would like to improve their living conditions. But for many, it unfortunately remains a distant dream. However, if you use a non-traditional solution, suggested by the Bulgarian magazine “Guide yourself”, even without increasing the area of the small one-bedroom apartment, you can turn it into a bedroom. To do this, all the kitchen equipment is in the hallway and closed in the inoperative position of the mobile wall, Cabinet, and the vacated space of the former kitchen is being converted into a living room or office.


EVEN IN THE KITCHEN, AT LEAST IN THE ROOMIf you ask the hostess almost any home that, in her opinion, the most important thing in the apartment, then the answer is likely to be one area. This is not surprising the kitchen is now used not only as a space for cooking (although this function is still important), but also as a dining room where Breakfast and dinner family members, and as a meeting place of close friends over a Cup of tea. And how well it is equipped with comfortable and practical furniture depends ultimately our mood.


AND A COFFEE AND UNIVERSALA small low table, which habit is called the coffee actually becomes universal: se-godhna it can be “assigned” not only to the rest area with easy chairs and a floor lamp, but also to be in the nursery, become a bedside, and then “dining” for your morning coffee or a light dinner in a small circle of guests.


EXCAVATOR... MANUAL When laying the Foundation under the garden house, closing it, communications, the construction site has to dig a deep enough trench. In the usual way (man with shovel) it is difficult to excavate even with a depth of 1 m to 1.5 m and a width of 40…50 cm At the same time, from constructive reasons and to save labor, time, cement and other building materials, in many cases enough to have a trench width not more than 20…30 see To solve this problem, I have designed, manufactured and successfully used manual mini”the excavator”, a General view of which is shown in the figure.


BATH-CHAIRThe most popular formats of images of photographers ranging from 9X12 to 18X24 cm. This is for several reasons. First, prints of this size can be stored in albums, creating a photographic family “chronicle”. Second, the use of large formats entail additional financial costs related to the acquisition of the relevant ditch paper and large quantities of chemicals. And third, it is often the decisive factor printing large images requires a large area of the laboratory, thereby eliminating the possibility of work in the favorite by the majority of photographers place — the bathroom.


COZY MICROPOLLWith the new settler clear: get an apartment, of course, seeks to furnish it with new furniture. Well, the one who starts the General repair of your old home, wouldn’t he want updates? And it is here that both the first and second are in the same difficulty: how to reconcile the dimensions of a particular room dimensions offered by the furniture stores?


COZY CORNERIn modern life great importance is given to the presence in the apartment relaxation area, helping you to disconnect from worries, to regain strength after a day of work, relax. An important role is played in this comfortable chair. It is easy to do it yourself — for example, as shown in our drawings. The design is quite simple, but nevertheless it is present in the majority of typical units, typical handmade furniture. So the first thing to make the chair can be recommended for beginners to the masters as their first “big” goods — after all, this work will help to master necessary skills and gain experience.

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THE MANY FACES OF THIS BEDSIDE TABLEA distinctive feature of modern furniture is its versatility and versatility. All these requirements are, unfortunately, still very few common, but very popular abroad mobile cabinets. Look at the drawings and pictures: these “boxes on wheels” if necessary, can be coffee table or the workshop, the kitchen Cabinet or work space for sewing, bar or children’s games room.


HALLWAY: THE EASIEST OPTIONA characteristic feature of modern layouts of apartments — small hallways. Their owners show miracles of ingenuity in their attempts to place in a limited area sets necessary traditional furniture. Hungarian journal “Earmaster” offers the option of equipment hallway with minimal costs even for those who never were holding the plane.

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