BATH WITH A SAMOVARBath anciently considered one of the most effective “preventative care” for the human body. Since time immemorial are popular and are being built in some places even today the simplest bath with a furnace “in black”. The architecture is simple, as the internal layout. In it — two compartments: a steam-Moines and cool (without ceiling) in the foyer. The purpose of the latter is for storing firewood; through it during the furnace air circulation — fresh portion comes at the bottom of the door opening, and heated in the furnace along with the smoke coming out through the top of the door opening and then through the dressing room. This ultimately cools the steam Department. Besides, it begins to heat up, only when hot rocks and becomes hot water in the tank, they were spending extra firewood.


SET PLATESpecial cheap and practical furniture for garden house is not yet sold, so usually there dumped all the junk. But what looked good once in a city apartment, in a small country the room will look foreign and uncomfortable: dark polished cabinets, and tapestry upholstery…


SOFT, YOUTHHow to furnish an apartment? This question is particularly relevant for young people. Because of the shortage of furniture and low incomes make the most of just entering into an independent life with the task of construction of homes practically impossible. But… the impossible if you look at it from traditional angles. Remember from your, yet not very far, childhood the first game — surely you’d build a house. Were these building — blocks, sand, or chairs and blankets — the best and different from others. So why now, when you become adults, to see neighbors and friends, copying their set of furniture and its placement? Look at your apartment or a room as a lot of toys, remember childhood and make a “house” with his hands. It is important to use integrated approach and stand around a single style.


HOZBLOK-FOLDINGWhat outbuildings do not see in the garden or suburban areas! Most often it is a tiny shed, located at the far end of the site, or a large economic unit, combined with a summer kitchen. The disadvantage of such designs is the considerable consumption of lumber. And most importantly, what they take away precious space from the garden. However, these problems can be solved if maintenance was to make an extension to the house. Folding the shed design will be convenient for the workshop.

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DISTORTION EFFECTModern electric guitars are used all sorts of devices that change the sound of the instrument. It is very popular so-called “distortion effect”. Its essence is that the primary sinusoidal guitar signal is subjected to restriction at the top and bottom, which leads to the emergence of a large number of odd and even harmonics. The scheme of such things published in the Bulgarian magazine “Young designer”.


GYM IN YOUR BEDROOM“Lack of exercise, old age, and shortness of breath…” — sung in the famous song. Indeed, in our time, the widespread mechanization and computerization of society, the preservation of an active lifestyle is very acute. The way out of this situation — physical education and sports. Therefore become habitual in our apartments mini-sports complexes and sports areas. However, the size and layout of modern apartments if and allow you to place a “gym”, it’s basically just for children, and other family members have to settle for at best conventional pull-up bar installed in the doorway.

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DRYING RACK ON THE BALCONYThe majority of citizens — inhabitants of high — rise buildings-usually dry Laundry on the balconies and loggias. The rope, strung low, interfere with the placement of the balcony boxes with flowers, a sun lounger or other items of pleasure; strung too high — can cause inconvenience during hanging clothes, and do not always provide the necessary safety. All these drawbacks can be avoided if we use my proposed device.

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ONCE - BUNKAs the mail “Club home of the masters” children’s bunk beds are a permanent interest among the readers of “M-K”. This topic is particularly relevant in recent time when many are simply unable to acquire this furniture in the store. And how I want to make the children happy and to provide good conditions for sleeping and a place for games to release…

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WASHING MACHINE FROM A BUCKET...When my second child was born, before us again there is a problem washing diapers, raspashonok and sliders. To wash hands? Long and tedious. Wash in a big washing machine? It is not profitable — either on the consumption of washing powder, nor the consumption of water and electricity… and the time on the big machine that have to spend quite a lot. Of course, you can buy a small, such as “baby” or “Fairy”, but now that the machine, the bucket is difficult to buy.

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SHELF MODULESettlers, developing in our time a new apartment is not to be envied. To start, they have sometimes from scratch, as purchase anything today of furniture is almost impossible. The only thing that from time to time you can find is the shelves. And shelves — is already done: with their two or three dozen, you can build almost any furniture wall. In particular, for the hallway.