COVER ON CHAIRThe problem is small but not invented, and most importantly – serious. The negative influence of draughts on human health obviously, and there was low back pain, and sciatica, and lumbago in muscles. The clinics, staffed by modern professionals usually equipped with office chairs and armchairs.

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Fig. 1. Tractor.At school, for more than 40 years, engaged in the construction of various mechanisms to facilitate workplace and at home. (In the journal “Inventor and rationalizer” was placed in my article “power saw and pump”, which caused a lot of queries.)

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TECHPROGRAM RADIOPROTECAOPeople sometimes just have no time to twist knobs of the receiver to switch from one frequency to another. Here comes the advance settings of some of the most popular stations, pressed a button and listen to the desired program. In this mode you will be able to work any long-wave radio with a homemade console, designed for several fixed frequencies in the range of SV.

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INSTEAD OF THE PCB?Development and manufacture of printed circuit boards for a single instance of a homemade device with a higher density of mounting becomes sometimes a problem even for the experienced radio Amateur. I have also found the opportunity to do without any preliminary layout of printed wiring conductors, and even without soldering electric and electronic circuits. I replace all of that… wrap.

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THE LAST BATTLE The Russo-Japanese war, which began with a sudden attack of the Japanese on Port Arthur on the night of 8/9 February 1904 and virtually ended with the defeat of the king’s fleet in the Tsushima Strait, with merciless clarity showed the backwardness and complete collapse of the Russian autocracy, incompetence and venality of its military elite. But this war showed the world great examples of valor and selflessness of the Russian soldiers, sailors, and the best part of the officers. Shots, sounded in the outer Harbor of Port Arthur, was a prelude to the heroic drama in Chemulpo, where in an unequal battle against the squadron of Admiral Urn die the cruiser “Varyag” and the gunboat “Korean” die with nesuderinami flags, flooded and blown up their teams, who chose death shameful surrender to the enemy.

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ANTI-AIRCRAFT MISSILE Anti-aircraft guided missiles (AAGM) is located at the junction of rocket technology, electronics, precision mechanics and chemistry, and are the most complex class of missile weapons. Because of this, none of them in the years of the Second world war were brought to combat use, though the development and testing of such systems was carried out in England, USA, Germany and Japan.

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NO WORSE THAN FLATThe simplest water supply and Sewerage for country home. To live in the country like human beings, should, in principle, not so much — light, water, a decent toilet and sanitation. With the light problems not too much— even if there is no centralized electrification of the suburban village, you can buy portable gasoline generator and enjoy all the benefits of civilization, which gives electricity.

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COLUMN IN HASTEExisting acoustic system (as) furniture type mostly rather cumbersome and expensive. To use them when testing and setting the audio uncomfortable. And in ordinary surroundings while listening to the radio and music are often given preference more simple and accessible to speakers of small capacity, including homemade, produced from scrap materials.

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