Compact tablet Globex X8

Compact tablet Globex X8Tablets with 7/8-inch displays are the most popular on the market thanks to its compactness and mobility. These devices are best suited for networking, mobile toys, and one of them is your one-stop reader. Globex engineers created a tablet Globex X8 on the basis of these interests of its users. The resulting tablet is not only convenient to use but also easily fits in a jacket pocket or small bag.

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THE HEIRS In the second half of the nineteenth century the fishermen of the Atlantic coast of France, and especially popular were the so-called “Icelandic” schooner — two-masted wooden vessels with increased width of the body and good seakeeping. Despite its modest size, they could make long voyages and endured serious storm. The peculiarity of their snap was that all the sails (including direct marceli) were placed and were removed directly from the deck, as the modern yacht is allowed to increase safety during inclement weather. On fishing schooners usually left to the shores of Iceland — from this came their name.

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MILITARY OFFROADthe Hero of our story – the GAZ-67B, one of that specific type, which during the Second world war became known as “jeep”. But even a few years before the appearance of this model in the Soviet Union already had cars, which had on its creation and design is quite a big impact. So refer to the summer of 1936 when Gorky (until 1932 and again now Nizhny Novgorod) automobile plant was built the first prototypes of the GAZ-M1 (“emka”).

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BRISTOL BEAUFIGHTERAircraft manufacturing firm in the UK With the Bristol Aeroplane Ltd was founded in 1910. Until the end of the Second world war the company produced mainly military aircraft, including such famous machines as the bomber “Blenheim” night fighter “Bowater” and torpedo “Beaufort”.

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SU-2 — BOMBER MIDDLEIn 1936 the staff of A. N. Tupolev was given the task to design and build a new double multi-purpose aircraft. The implementation of this task was entrusted to the team of Pavel Osipovich Sukhoi, which has previously proven itself as a aircraft ANT-25, ANT-37 (“homeland”) and many others. In August, the aircraft, designated ANT-51 (S-3) was ready for testing. When the lapping machine emerged that can significantly improve its flight and tactical quality. First, the aircraft was equipped with engine M-62 with a capacity of 20 HP, and in 1939 for mass production was adopted the variant with the motor M-68 with a capacity of 1,000 HP, yet it was later replaced by M-82 with a capacity of 1440 HP Respectively grew the speed of the aircraft, increased its armament.

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GRAND CHEROKEE OVERLANDIn 2001 Jeep Grand Marche is 60 years old. It was at this time was to mark the release of a new range of SUVs Grand Cherokee. It is chaired by the variant received its own name Overland in honor of the long-defunct company Willys-Overland, which in the period of the Second world war supplied the army famous army jeeps.

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MY TRACTOR — GARDENERSIn the publication “Model construction” many find useful for themselves, most importantly — a desire to do it yourself. In recent years I’ve done three walk-behind tractor and a mini tractor. In the design of the tractor used a two-cylinder 4-stroke engine UD-25 power 14 HP, added to the pulley to drive the oil pump NSH-32, as well as two modified transmission: engine from a motorcycle “Ural”, leaving her the I-th (working) and IV (transport) of transfer (this box plays the role of the gearbox), and the car “Zaporozhets”, providing her a second support and extending the input shaft.

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