ELECTRONIC TRANSFORMERA power transformer is to convert alternating current of one voltage to alternating current of another voltage at a constant frequency. The device in the normal “classic” transformer all know from school physics lessons. The principle of operation is based on electromagnetic induction. In the primary winding under the action of tension in the core induces a magnetic flux proportional to this voltage, which, in turn, an electromotive force of self-induction (EMF) in the secondary windings is directly proportional to the number of turns of these windings.

Electronic transformer (ET) and arranged differently, and the principle of its action is quite different. In fact, ET is a switching power supply — inverter voltage with electronic protection against short circuit, overload and excessive heating of the elements. All energy-saving lamps, lamps, lamps, fluorescent lights, illumination of aquariums and other similar devices are equipped with a FLOOR probe.

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WEB 4.0 AND IMMORTALITY OF MANTo look into the future, it is enough to have leisure, curiosity and imagination. So I predicted the crisis, and the subsequent hatred of the bankers.
Modern futurology — something between a prose of Arthur C. Clarke and the division of scenario planning for Shell. For example, I sell a mix of lectures, research markets future food or future media and forecasts specific to the company for 10-20 years. So I created scenarios banking-2012 public libraries-2030, education-2025. Reading a lot of specialized literature, I thus use not only their imagination, but also strangers.

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KATYUSHA BM-13Scale model 1:25.


“Katyusha” — the informal collective name mobile rocket launchers BM-8 (82 mm) and BM-13 (132 mm). Such plants are actively used in the USSR during the Second World war.

Back in 1916. combat missile for smokeless powder (the prototype of the later missile) was invented by Ivan Platonovich grave. In 1924. he got on a missile and a charge of patent No. 122. Further work on the creation of rockets on smokeless powder continued until the great Patriotic war.

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WHEELS UNDER SAILIn the last decade, especially popular among Amateur designers use motor vehicles on light wheels with cameras-Pneumatics. The amazing maneuverability of these machines prompted the sailing enthusiasts to use the unique properties of the wheel-Pneumatics when you create year-round sailing.

This publication acquaints readers with such a vehicle.

So, get to work. I advise you to start with the most difficult — with the manufacture of the trolley.

Trolley frame is welded from thin steel tubes. That frame turned out to be symmetrical and without bias, it makes sense to build it to build a kind of slipway. In the simplest case — smooth area of the floor on which are mounted, in accordance with the dimensions of the truck front axle and rear fork controlled along with the steering column.

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BUILDING A BOATDespite the fact that the industry produces many different small vessels (including yachts), the number of homemade, Amateur-built, grows from year to year. They boldly experiment with various materials used in their projects are interesting technical solutions.

Applied technology construction of small vessels is the result of years of experience. But the limit to perfection does not exist, and there is always the possibility of improvement of the individual steps of a multi-faceted process, which can make the building any less time consuming, does not require high skills or cheaper. So, in recent years we have proposed and tested several non-traditional ways of making buildings that can undoubtedly be of interest to shipbuilders.

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PLYWOOD, BUT WITH A GUARANTEEOpen flat shelves on the walls — very comfortable and versatile kind of furniture: in addition, for example, books they can be beautiful to arrange flowers, vases, objects for interior decoration. In this case I want to offer a simple solution to the problem of mounting such shelves. It’s the supporting brackets, each of which consists of two main parts: wood composite corner under a shelf and metal profile for hanging it on the wall.

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MINI CAR FOR KIDSThe first little micro-car “mouse” I built for my kids. As far as he was able, the readers of “Modeller-designer” can tell, after reading his description and drawings, published in “M-K“.

As a result, I accumulated some experience of designing and has already planned not as a child, and “adult” car. Called it “mouse-2”. Built a long time, or rather, not so much built, how many were looking for the necessary parts. This, in particular, due to the use of “Mouse-2” mechanical brakes (now I change them for hydraulic). Development drawings and the construction was carried out simultaneously, although the basic parameters of the “Mouse-2” was thought out by me in advance.

Bring him brief technical description. This twin four wheeled vehicle with an engine producing 14 HP (working volume of 346 cm3) located in the back. Equipped with two independent braking systems: a primary (working) foot all-wheel drive and a spare (side) lever actuated on the rear wheels only.

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SOLAR ENERGY-CLEAN FUELResearchers from the University of Manchester, together with colleagues from the universities of East Anglia, York and Nottingham, UK, are using nanotechnology to convert solar energy into a clean fuel.
The solar energy potential is vast — just one hour of sunlight provides as much energy as man uses in a year. But nobody has yet to figure out how to use that enormous energy to produce the fuel.
Professor Wendy of Flavell (the University of Manchester and her colleagues are working to create a solar nano-device on “quantum dots” — small bundles of semiconductors that absorb sunlight. The principle of operation of the device is as follows: when sunlight is absorbed, the temperature rises on semiconductors and their conductivity increases. Then acting on the molecules of the catalyst located on the surface of “points”, they create new fuel.

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