SOURCE THREE For connecting various electronic and household devices designed for a constant voltage of 9, 12 or 15 V, requires adapter (the adapter from the network 220V). Usually every device it sells.
Meanwhile, there are many devices without adapters, but in some time the latter may be useful, for example, to power portable electric drill (screwdriver), which has lost energy output of the battery, or receiver, whose “exhausted”, or other similar event.
It must be sufficiently powerful and reliable power source, with automatic protection of output (triggered by a short circuit in the load) with the universality (outstanding various constant voltage) for use in the home.

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The site of Science and Technology, on the Modelling and amateur art

LAST ADDED MATERIALS {loadposition contentslider}   LATEST VIDEOS ON YOUR YouTube CHANNEL     Scientific and technical site on the Internet since 2012. Since then, the portal covers the issues of scientific and technical creativity of amateur construction, it tells the story of domestic and foreign equipment.   Among its authors, along with the Read more…


DESIGN SOUNDSUnusual sounds and sound effects using simple electronic consoles on-chip CMOS that is able to capture the imagination of readers.

The scheme is one of such boxes, presented in figure 1, was born in the process of various experiments with the popular CMOS chip К176ЛА7 (DD1).

This scheme implements a cascade of sound effects, especially from the animal world. Depending on the position of the engine variable resistor mounted on the circuit’s input, you can get almost real to the ear sounds: “croaking frogs”, “Nightingale trill”, “meowing cat”, “the bellowing bull”, and many others. Even the various human unintelligible combination of sounds like a drunken exclamations, and others.

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CONTACT LENSESContact lenses small made from transparent materials lenses, worn directly on the eye for vision correction (i.e., to improve visual acuity).

Contact lenses, according to experts, are about 125 million people in the world. Method of vision correction using contact lenses is called contact vision correction.

Almost 50% of those who wear contact lenses, are young people aged 18 to 25 years. And among those who wear contact lenses for the first time, the proportion of young people under the age of 35 years, almost 90 %.

The story of the creation of contact lenses starts with the name of Leonardo da Vinci. In 1508, he designed the device in a transparent globe filled with water, through which people with poor eyesight can see better.

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CAMERA-FLASHNormalizekey camera capable of capturing images with a resolution of 1280 x 1024 pixels and record video (720 x 480, 30 frames per second), the adepts from the land of the rising sun fit in the case the size of a normal flash drive.
This little girl called CLAP — not the miniature in the world, however, is definitely another example of the amazing compactness. The size of the new 24-gram “soap”: 3.5 x 7 x 1.5 inches.
Sensitivity new camera ISO is 100 and is not adjustable. And far from the record. Any modern smartphone will do the job better. But inside the chamber built a small magnet. They can be used to mount the camera on a metal surface.

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48 CYLINDER KAWASAKIA certain enthusiast by the name of Simon Whitlock set out to build not just powerful, but very powerful motorcycle. You can go simple way – to attach to a motorcycle frame any brutal engine of a large volume, such as from a Viper or Corvette, but then the design would be too bulky and large, which is undesirable.
And then this enthusiast found is not quite simple, but very elegant solution – “rasterman” 16 motorcycles Kawasaki KH250 parts, he United their engines as one, the result of which was monstrous 48-cylinder engine weighing almost one ton.

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AN-70An-70 medium — range cargo (operational-tactical military transport) aircraft of the new generation of short take-off and landing. Antonov an-70 intended to replace the obsolete An-12. Performed on the aerodynamic configuration vintoventilyatorny four-engine turboprop high-wing monoplane with single-finned tail and tail cargo hatch.

The development of military transport aircraft (MTC) An-70began in 1986 After seven years of tactical and technical requirements specified, wherein, based on the need to transport a medium tank, the maximum capacity of the machine increased up to 47 T. the Peculiarity of the aircraft were four gas-turbine engine with coaxial propeller-fans and fly-by-wire control system. In the aircraft design is widely used composite materials.

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COLOR SOUNDThis attachment attaches to a regular television properties, a musical installation by changing the color of the image, respectively, the acoustic sound signal. When using the TV picture when speaking of the audience changes the color color.

Another use of the prefix is a color support of music programs with the aim of increasing their entertainment. Color television image will vary depending on the frequency and amplitude of the music signal. So, instead of blue and red appears green and green color changes to blue. Instead of crimson shade appear purple or brown. Patches of white telesurgery acquire pink tones. There are many different color combinations.

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