LIGHT SHOVELWhen I want to emphasize that someone has done a great job, in search of a suitable comparison involuntarily turn to the laborious digging of the earth and say: “They shovelled so much!” Then each at once all becomes clear, and his memory will surely emerge and the intractability of the soil, and aching back, and blisters on the hands…

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SOLAR STEAM TABLESThe picnic, which happened to be with friends, will be remembered not only by the abundance of impressions, positive EMOTIONS, but also the uniqueness of what and how food fueled its organizers. After all, improvised marching steam tables this time served… cardboard box from under the computer, pre-laminated on the inside with aluminum foil. And as unconventional source of energy has made itself the southern sun.

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GREENHOUSE WALLEvery gardener seeks more efficient to heat your greenhouse. One of the best methods of utilization of solar heat, nakaplivaetsya! on South or East wall of the stone house. To build eliteplace is quite simple. Primarily along the walls of the house dig a trench depth of 1.1 m and a width of 0.8 m. It forms the track along which you can walk among the plants. The rest of the greenhouse is a garden.

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ONE POTATO, TWO POTATO“Potatoes are often called the second bread. Only easy this bread gets. Especially without the use of nepamirstama tillers and small tractors, with the only hope for a spade, Yes a spade. About a year ago, “modelist-Konstruktor” sort of decided to help by posting a good development of the tracer-the potato made from water-gas supply pipes. But then seems to have forgotten the promise to return to the topic of mechanization in the cultivation of labour-intensive crop, which is a pity. V. Ivankov”.

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POTATOES IN DUTCHThe experience of potato growers says the Dutch technology of cultivation of root crops is the most efficient, and the work is minimal. And rows of clean, smooth, and the harvest excellent. And the basis of all — well organized boarding and, of course, good equipment. I offer readers a short story about the technology and the design of small hand harvester — experienced assistant growers. It can make any novice homebrew.

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DRILL TEAMHaving a pretty powerful compact drive, the electric long gone among the leaders of household tools. And with the attachments, all kinds of fixtures are not averse and in agricultural work to become a foremost: already mows, threshes, and other operations performs excellently. The universal becomes! Moreover, with the light hand of the inhabitant of Leningrad region Vladimir Morozov drill successfully “mastering” even the arable business, as regularly informs readers “modelist-Konstruktor”.

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WATER AND PUMP IN THE DEAD OF WINTERSubmersible vibration electric pumps Malysh, Rucheek — not uncommon for systems of Autonomous supply of small enterprises, including farmers. They are compact, easy to use, they have quite a reasonable price. But here’s the problem: before the freezing temperatures of such pumps, alas, I fold. When you turn off the pump in winter the water as it is locked in a feed hose, and having no drain hole, freezes.

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STOVE FROM A JAR...Steel sorokametrovoy a can (or jar) over time rust begins to leak, making it not suitable for storing not only food, but water. It is a pity to throw out, and not suggest. Because of the old jar you can make a good oven-“bourgeois”. However, for such a “metamorphosis” will need some more stuff, but about them later.

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RELIABLE ASSISTANT TILLERSContinue the story of machines and mechanisms, built by V. A. VERBELEN — Amateur designer from the village of Zelenchukskaya, Karachayevo-Cherkess Republic. In the publication “walk-behind — nothing more” (“modelist-Konstruktor” No. 2’98) was described by his faithful gardening assistant “Electronics”. Now we offer you to familiarize yourself with the design of the cargo truck to the tillers.

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