The idea of creating a mechanical assistant for the treatment of garden I came up with long ago. Looked appropriate magazines “modelist-Konstruktor” with the description of the tilling tools and came to the conclusion that on the basis of the available I have the power unit and the control levers scooter “Electron” is it better to motoliberty.

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…The silence of the Sunny spring morning shattered the clatter of the engine. The farmer, perekapyvayut shovel your garden, straightened up and looked over the fence into the neighbor’s plot: what’s that noise in the elderly Ilicevic? He saw from behind the outbuildings to the garden went, shooting a blue smoke, a little two-wheeled machine, behind which, holding the long handle of the control, Chagall Ilicevic son-Sergey.

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Aim to make brisk, reliable and compact tillers. This mechanical helper and was gardening, and the garden is plowed, and beds cut, and the potatoes on the home field were planted, and seedlings are weeded, and the crop was removed… And most importantly, to run this technique, sitting in a comfortable chair and never feel tired. Not to say that once, but the idea was a success. For three years my homemade motor-block (MB) is, as they say, faith and truth. I called it “Pony.” For endurance, reliability. The only thing he requires is gasoline.

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UNIVERSAL FARMERSelf-propelled chassis, called the “Bull” that I built over ten years ago. For such a considerable time of operation the machine showed itself unpretentious, reliable and workable. The layout of its classic truck body front, the driver’s seat (in this case it is open) and the engine — rear; front axle — steering, rear — host. “Bull” is primarily designed for the carriage of goods weighing up to 500 kg with a speed of 35 km/h. But it is possible to work the ground. We only need, say, before plowing to replace the sprocket gearbox for a large, which will give increased traction, and attach the plow. Also, using a PTO shaft to hook up and operate a circular saw, water pump, mower, etc.

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DRIED FRUITS AT HOMEbrickos — valuable fruit crop originated from Central Asia. However, not all varieties are suitable for drying because of the low content of the substance, the main component of which is sugar. It is usually early ripening varieties. To obtain high quality dried fruits it is advisable to use fruits with sugar content not lower than 19-20 percent.

The fruit should be removed when they reach a certain size, accumulate the largest amount of sugar will become normal, natural coloring.

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BEHIND TRACTOR-TRUCKOffer to readers design their new walk-behind. But before describing it, a little background. Village life is hard their daily monotonous work in summer and winter, rain and snow… Wanted to do something to alleviate all this work and care. I did a walk-behind tractor. And not generic, as usual, with a cart, because more needed in the vehicle. For the relative small size called it a “Humpbacked”.



Well — vital structure on the estate, even if a centralized water supply system. Design it can be any. We have, for example, the popular tube-wells, good bearing rocks occur close. And simple tool for drilling (drilling rig spoon, chisel, coil and bailer screwed on the extension tube-rod), it is easy to get. For water many people prefer to use a pump type BKF or BKF 2-4 prefabrication. I am also quite happy with a homemade design which is so simple that it is available for repeating any.

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Plots is small. And when every square foot counts, then the space allocated to garages and outbuildings — not an easy task. An acceptable solution may be tent structures. Especially when considering time, especially material costs. To build the frame of almost any of the three options of awning, we have received the greatest distribution, will fit anything you have on hand: acceptable wooden poles, beams or even a pole.

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Shearing machines МСУ200 with a built-in handle three-phase asynchronous motor (200 Hz, 36 V, 100 W, 12, OOO rpm) we have in the village is not uncommon. Though slightly modified, with a reinforcing grommet for the power cable. This technique is popular in neighboring areas, where used by shearers of sheep and camels, as well as professionals postconservatism skins Karakul smusic. As a full-time source of electricity for it is a three-phase network with voltage of 380 V, which МСУ200 connected through electric machines-nye converters ИЭ9401А and ИЭ9403.

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Real benign stew without autoclave do not like, however, and other canned goods. However, the production of inexpensive home-autoclaves our industry, it seems, a long time will not be adjusted. Imported equipment, most people can not afford. Has to settle for a canned food factory production. But why not make the autoclave with his own hands? As a basis we can take the industrial analogues or the development of Amateur designers (for example, mini-mill V. Starostina, published in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4, 1998). You can use my design, which I think is more reliable and productive.

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