CAN CUT, GRIND AND CUTSharp and correctly sharpened tool was always a sign of the professionalism of its owner. However, it is important skill to master to bring their production tools to a working state. But the quality of the sharpening tool is a simple touchstone or elektrotochilo is not only long but also difficult. They are replaced by more productive equipment and machines of industrial or self-production.

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ROTARY HARROWROTARY HARROWWhat could be simpler than a rotating roller with teeth! Bumping clods of ploughed soil, he crushes them like a harrow. Peg line Ripper developed members Vorovskogo mug enemskoe school Rashid Salikhov and Adam laiuk. Young designers have made the main working bodies of two steel kolkovich a roller and a rake with long teeth. When you want a superficial loosening of the soil, has some rollers, driven by electric motor. Transport wheels at this time raised above. frame.

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MOTORGLIDERMaterialiter Mr-3-4 (motor cultivator, 3-I model, 4-rotor) is a result of long searches conducted by young inventors. The final version consists of engine, from chainsaws “Friendship” with a homemade step-down gear, the Whole mechanism is mounted on a frame supported on two rubber wheels of the kart. Handles are two section of water pipe; the spacer between them fastened pivotally with the front wheel which functions as a regulator of penetration.

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WITH THE NAME In the fields of student production teams s the collective farm named after civil war hero Peter Redneck way to find a car. With the appearance of the tractor as the tractor. But look more closely and you will notice a certain “teenage” awkwardness of his farms, more sonorous than the “adult” of the tractor, the voice of the motor. This is understandable: the car has an engine PD-10.

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Becoming a pensioner, was engaged in the breeding of the nutria (swamp beavers, or coypu) and saw how it is a profitable business. With the low maintenance costs of these herbivores and also very unpretentious animals not only get delicious meat (an average of 2-3 kg of each species), no way inferior to the rabbit, nutritional value and dietary properties, but also (most importantly!) valuable fur, on the strength approaching a mink or a Fox, and wear exceeding ten “fur” of the Bunny.

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