Becoming a pensioner, was engaged in the breeding of the nutria (swamp beavers, or coypu) and saw how it is a profitable business. With the low maintenance costs of these herbivores and also very unpretentious animals not only get delicious meat (an average of 2-3 kg of each species), no way inferior to the rabbit, nutritional value and dietary properties, but also (most importantly!) valuable fur, on the strength approaching a mink or a Fox, and wear exceeding ten “fur” of the Bunny.

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YOU, MECHANICSIDE — DUMP TRUCK. To deliver the current grain from working in the field combine to drive if the feed to the farm building materials to the rising walls of the new building is everywhere in the village the required on-Board the vehicle. Such popularity is due to universality of his body fit for any cargo. One bad — unloading process, requiring considerable manual labor. Whether it is a truck! In a matter of seconds this “scoop on wheels” takes an inclined position, and the cargo already on the ground. Not accidentally, rural innovators are constantly find the most simple solution: how to get side car “samoraspustitsya”.

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CARS FOR ALL SORTS OF NEEDSThis car was designed (if one can call the process of thinking about design and estimates of size) and made for several hours after my brother and I received a message from his father from the village with a request to help him make his entrance to the house. It was clear that a stretcher we cannot do the work expected is significant, and any mechanized commercial vehicles was not expected.

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SNOWTHROWER FROM A CHAINSAWSNOWTHROWER FROM A CHAINSAWThis year we have in the Altai region, snow in autumn, almost a couple of weeks, has dropped quite a lot. Apparently winter is snow, so throw it not to shovel. Okay, that last year gathered a small but reliable snowthrower with the engine from an old chainsaw. In the spring time only experience: he has established himself, in General, good, although not without flaws. Based on the experience of use, summer had made some changes, and now present it to the readers of “Modeller-designer”.

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GLASS INCUBATORGLASS INCUBATORThis simple incubator can become a reliable assistant in every household, it will save you from annoying spring and the worries associated with the acquisition of their farms for chickens. This instrument is as simple to manufacture as in operation. The idea of this incubator belongs to reader “M-K” V. Sopeno of the Belgorod region, the design study laboratory “Eureka.” Keeping the author’s idea, we have tried to make the device more reliable and safe.

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TRACTOR-The idea is to make a mini-tractor ripe at once: an allotment I have a small, but because I was without equipment. In General, it was more a desire to test their capabilities. In the garage by that time had accumulated suitable assemblies and mechanisms. So, the wheels gave me friends (they have many years of lying idle) and the engine gave a friend, because I helped him to restore an old “Moskvich”.

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