House mansion type, in which there is subsistence farming, with several supporting buildings for their maintenance and repair woodcutting machine called among artisans circular saw is a must.
Small-scale mechanization
Those who contain in the household livestock and poultry without grain reserves is not enough. Grain can be stored for a long time (in one of the magazines I read that in the tomb of a Pharaoh found the amphora with the wheat seeds were such that even wiseway). But that grain use for animal feed with greater benefit, must be pre-ground or at least crushed. But the grind, even large ones, unfortunately, under normal conditions for a long time can not be stored with it and the quality loses, and’t go rancid, and it infest some bugs, worms. So grinding is necessary in small amounts, and therefore quite often.
For industrial use trucks doing various capacities. As a General rule, plant as light-duty use, for transshipment of cargo between objects — medium-duty, and long distance (“long-range”) transport— powerful semitrailer tractors.
The tillers built in circle of “Technical creativity” Yakovlevskaya Polytechnic. Designed for ploughing all types of soils – both light and heavy. Ease of management makes the job tiring. The design turned out well, the care required is minimal and the performance and quality is excellent, and therefore how to repair and improve are required.
The proposed mini-mill was made a few years ago, eighth-grader Edward Sarkisov in the circle of technical creativity in school No. 17 in the city of Vladikavkaz. It is designed for crushing grain cereals and can be used on livestock farms, farms, HOMESTEAD animal husbandry.
No need to explain that the tractor to rural farmstead — the machine is not only needed, but necessary. As before the farm could not do without a horse, so now it can’t do without the tractor. Here only to purchase such equipment for those who most needed, that is a simple rural workers — as they say, can not afford.
Each year, digging up kitchen with family land on the plot where the tractor was simply not to turn, thought: “I Need a walk-behind tractor-tiller”. Of course, you can deny something else, by such a mechanism. But, Thinking about what it will be used only a few days a year, this option was considered unprofitable and, therefore, unacceptable. And then decided to make a walk — behind myself!
I am the son of a mechanic; was born and live in a rural area in the Northern territory. Craving for glands, to equipment I can say that since childhood. While still a “beardless boy”, made a tricycle on the tires. But a serious love of cars started after the publication in № 11’91 of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” (a regular reader of which I am) on crawler-ski snowmobile “Idea-2” brothers Matveichuk from, Zavodoukovsk Tyumen region. This is understandable: in winter and summer in our area equipment — not just a means of transportation, but also the mechanization of household work: a vegetable garden to plow, wood to bring.
In the house of the manor type of water demand is far higher than in a city apartment. Because usually when there are a garden, vegetable garden, and every fowl in the yard, which water is also required. The process of delivery in large quantity in the buckets is not only long, but tedious, even if the source (be it well or river) is not far.
Often in business-industrial practice there is a need to transfer thick (and not) liquids from containers of large volume, for example—from the barrel. It’s not necessary to have a special pump, especially in the workshop of homebrew: master himself can assemble from readily available materials simple device, suggested by doctor of technical Sciences V. Artemyev.