Small-scale mechanization
For many years Hobbies of technical creativity as the main source of materials and machinery for me was a different sort of scrap yard. Out in my shed “migrated” all that seemed valuable to me, and was waiting for their application to varying design. Unclaimed gradually accumulated, and eventually the question arose: what to do with it? Would not go. Here and decided to maximize all these different glands in your new tractor. Design “Angara” started with a sketch drawing of the design. Then, after the detailed execution of working drawings, started construction. The result was, in my opinion, quite aesthetically pleasing, technologically advanced and reliable machine, with a reserve for possible future upgrades.
A few old boards, a little effort and prepared the composting bin. But not simple, and universal. The bottom of his elevated and tilted to the side flap with latch — matured compost itself will be unloaded in a filled bucket. And while he is maturing, on top of the zucchini grow, hanging down (I Read more…
An activated by an electric current of water appear special properties: such moisture has a significant influence on the course of redox processes in animate and inanimate nature. Using the activated water, the enthusiasts achieve success in a wide range of areas from production to consumer (publications on obtaining “live” and “dead” water, see the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” № 12’83, 3’87, 3’96, 12’2000). Today’s collection is about the activators that can be done in a home workshop, based on the materials of the popular Bulgarian weekly “Guide yourself.”
The owners of the garden plots are very popular cultivators “the Mole” with petrol engines. At first I was extremely happy with his mechanical assistant. However, over time, decided to get rid of the noise and noxious exhaust of a gasoline engine and make environmentally friendly electrochlorinator, safe from shock. For the cultivator required a motor with a serial excitation, which increases as the load increases and the torque. More other ideal starter stamps ST-8 from the truck GAZ-51.
I read in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 6, 1993 article “Vitamins grow on the balcony.” From her I learned about the use of pyramids of old tires as a vertical garden. Intrigued by the experience of enthusiasts, I decided to also do balcony gardening. And came to the conclusion that instead of natural soil in bulky tegmental pyramids it is better to use hydroponics in a separate biomodule.
The journal “modelist-Konstruktor” I write a since 1985 and have never regretted it. Read everything from the first page to the last. Very useful and interesting publication. And though time is now difficult, and the cost of the magazine is not so low, will it write in the future, because I believe that the value of the log above its price. The journal regularly and in sufficient volume published drawings of armored vehicles, planes, cars. But, unfortunately, rarely describes the production technology of models and designs equipment and devices, without which hampered their establishment.