Inspired by the example of a neighbor, homebrew and avid angler, as well as interesting developments “Modeller-designer” (see, e.g., No. 1, 2002), I made a compact smokehouse for smoked dried fish. The basis of my design — dural box size 1600x800x600 mm, assembled on a frame of steel angle 35×35 mm. Sides the smokehouse folding (for loading and unloading fish), to the cover are fastened with clasps of the type “frog”. In the front and rear walls are three rows of holes for pins pendants products, which are smoked, and smoke.
Small-scale mechanization
Becoming a farmer, I was faced with the necessity of grinding of beet seeds and alfalfa. Asked how to cope with this problem experienced large farms, and that is, on the image made a more modest car with no clever twists and great performance. At least the needs of my farm, it satisfies completely. And it works flawlessly.
In the process of exploitation of the deep (submersible) pumps often break. To catch them on the outside of the flange for lifting from the well is impossible due to the tight fit of the latter to the well casing. To catch the open borehole pump in the well and pull it out for repair will help homemade trap-hook, mounted on a segment of the rod is square tube. From the version published in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 2’98, and other analogues of this fixture is distinguished, above all, reliability of operation and ease of use.
Many rural residents who had not previously had the cow, now forced them to start. Because the cow has always helped humans to survive in difficult times, providing it with milk. But the owner should take care of the animal to the cow in the stall period were full. As you know, the main feed cows grass or hay. Unfortunately, the cow while in the stall, not very zealous about his food and in search of delicious blades of grass could easily trample a whole bunch of hay or grass.
From old books on beekeeping found out that Dadan, which are known even to a beginner beekeeper, as side and ceiling insulation in their hives used mats of straw cutting. I use mats of Chakan, which is usually cut in early winter. The result got rid of the dampness in the hive. But in the spring after the flyby of bees re-make of the case papers. Convinced that Chakan is a great insulation.
Old, seemingly obsolete washing machine— a treasure for zealous owner who loves to make things with their hands. Available it be convenient stainless capacity, small motor AVE-071-4CM (220 V, 180 W, 1350 rpm), ballasts, enough compact body and lots of parts that still can be use. For example, for the solution of many problems of mechanization from the processing of gifts to the garden for fruit juices and vitamin-nutrient mixture to miracle mills with high productivity. Propaganda is the most interesting of these developments, and a lot of attention and my favorite is “modelist-Konstruktor” (see № 12’92, 8’99, 5’2001).
We offer mini tractor “baby-3” (the third model) was made by me in the calculation of the mechanized harvesting of hay. From here he and a sufficiently powerful power unit, and two spring-mounted seat (which is perfect for the driver and a partner of the operator with frequent movements from one meadow to another), and high maneuverability in combination with multi-speed modes of operation (8 forward gears and 4 backward), and a convenient hinged mechanism, which is maximally adapted for a standard mower.
In our difficult time many people previously not even tempted to work on the land, got the land and grow vegetables-berries, which become a significant food primacom to the table in General and vitamins in particular.
A real scourge of the potato fields was the Colorado potato beetle. And in recent years because of the warm winter it is getting more and more. To deal with it in different ways. But the most reliable and effective way all the same- spraying with special chemicals. If the area is small, then no problem. Buy in store or on the market hand-held sprayer for any model that is charged with a solution of capacity for work! An hour and a half and the plot of the pests exterminated. But this, again, in that case, if the potato plantation is small – five to ten acres.
When rented with option to purchase three of the apiary, I realized how difficult it is to handle a large number of bee colonies. Part of the problem was solved with the help of the trough-drinkers, slightly improved development offered by experienced beekeepers in the pages of periodicals. Each of used to me bee-feeders-drinkers consists of a wooden mandrel which is inserted a glass or plastic bottle with thread. Mandrel is better to make from dry birch – less burrs when machining.