A"HOLIDAYFor cultivating soil in garden plots most appropriate mechanism to consider a walk-behind tractor. It has a small footprint and consumes few fuel, has the necessary agility and sufficient performance. The possibility of a quick change to some tillers tillers for others (e.g., plow cultivator, cultivator or Hiller), makes this mechanism almost universal. If necessary it can adapt even under the vehicle to transport goods for short distances on farm roads.

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ALL COTThings, household items, furniture break down over time and deteriorate, or gradually wear out and become obsolete. And if in first two cases, all the property owners are trying to save (restore, repair), in other circumstances the majority of things are just thrown away. After all, to give old things a second life, not everyone can, but only people with a creative imagination and skillful hands. About such useful things made by the workman man of old fold out beds of duralumin tubes, and will be discussed.

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PUSHPULL IN THE GARDENAmong the variety of tillers, microstructural and any other motor vehicles dominate Amateur-built machines, assembled from serial components and assemblies. The selection of a standard motor for most cases it is justified and necessary. But the use of ready-made frames, rear axles, transmissions, gearboxes, clutches almost always makes the homemade is too heavy, bulky and unsightly. A more promising design concept – using the minimum required number of standard units. Such mechanisms, although more laborious to manufacture, but allow the author to realize the most daring design ideas.

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PULL-PULL THE PLOW...Plow can be different. In General, the choice of the method of ploughing depends on the size of land holdings and the presence of his master of mechanical means. However, on private land a small area today, the most applicable of various kinds of tillers and winches. The first is convenient because of the productive, economical, agile. The last prevails where not that mini-tractor — tillers not to turn around, that is uncomfortable. But in this case, before the master of the farmstead again there is a choice in what winch to navigate — motorized or electrified.

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THE RAIN AT SKYAs you know, most of the territory of mother Russia belongs to the so-called “zone of risky agriculture”: in the Northern regions even in summer it can hit freezing; on the South and East at times devastating fall rains. But there are the hardest to wait for good — slow and warm, and most importantly, the timely rain, especially when the plants are growing. In the old days in drought farmers ward with icons and prayers go to sources reputed to be in the country saints and asked the Almighty life-giving rain. But, perhaps, no wonder people had the saying: “it doesn’t Rain where I ask, where reap and mow”, that is, when he is no longer needed and even harmful.

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Cup dispenser for spraying plants. Chemical method of plant protection from pests, diseases and weeds currently and in the foreseeable future remains the main. It is implemented often through spraying of crops with water solutions of pesticides.
Of how well the spraying depends on the efficacy of the drug, the rate of its consumption, pollution of the environment. Therefore, the Central question of the practice of application of chemical means of plant protection is the treatment droplets of optimal size (the smaller the better) that entirely depends on the design of the sprayer.

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COMPRESSOR SPARKDear “modelist-Konstruktor”! In No. 9, 2004 your magazine published an article about made me the compressor on the basis of the motor-compressor from the old refrigerator. Have used it for years for various uses: for paint spraying, tyre inflating of wheels and other works. Just not enough pressure and air supply. And then came the idea. To make the apparatus more and more powerful with two (paired) motor-compressors. Finding them was not difficult — now carried out of apartments (and simply thrown into the street) working refrigerators, which, so to speak, out of fashion.

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To work the land on the farm in summer and snow in winter, and also for use as a tractor during transport on short distances of various loads on trailer in 2010 he collected the mini-tractor “Makar-2M”. Engine – two-cylinder VAZ-11113 750 cm3 and a maximum output of 33 HP at 5600 rpm.
Base – 1675 mm wheel Track rear-axis – 1200 mm, front – 1150 mm. the Front wheels of the VAZ-2101, rear: discs – GAE-53 welded adapter (Central parts) from UAZ, tires – MTZ-82 (front).

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GRANULES? NO PROBLEM!In the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 2 for the year 1989 was published material A. Baklinskogo from the city of Kremenchug, Poltava region about micromelia, which he designed for his household. This publication pushed me to also fabricate a similar unit for the same purpose. But the performance of the device A. Baklinskogo I was not satisfied — by the time animals on a farmstead was already done, and everything planned livestock animals and poultry to increase. Because immediately, “estimate”, intended to make a more powerful mechanism.

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