To work the land on the farm in summer and snow in winter, and also for use as a tractor during transport on short distances of various loads on trailer in 2010 he collected the mini-tractor “Makar-2M”. Engine – two-cylinder VAZ-11113 750 cm3 and a maximum output of 33 HP at 5600 rpm.
Base – 1675 mm wheel Track rear-axis – 1200 mm, front – 1150 mm. the Front wheels of the VAZ-2101, rear: discs – GAE-53 welded adapter (Central parts) from UAZ, tires – MTZ-82 (front).
Small-scale mechanization
In the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 2 for the year 1989 was published material A. Baklinskogo from the city of Kremenchug, Poltava region about micromelia, which he designed for his household. This publication pushed me to also fabricate a similar unit for the same purpose. But the performance of the device A. Baklinskogo I was not satisfied — by the time animals on a farmstead was already done, and everything planned livestock animals and poultry to increase. Because immediately, “estimate”, intended to make a more powerful mechanism.
The prototype of tillers was similar was built by my father over ten years ago. He had the motor scooter “Vyatka-Electron” power of seven HP Wheels were also from the same bike. For cultivation of land on the wheels were worn chain lugs.
My version of a walking tractor that loses compactness, but wins in power — it has an engine from a motorcycle “Voskhod-ZM” capacity 14 HP ignition System from scooter “Vyatka-Electron”. The cooling of the cylinder of the engine is too forced: for this we used a homemade supply fan; about him later.
“No water and no amplitude, and no syudy…” This catch phrase from the pre-war Comedy “Volga-Volga” is very close and understandable to everyone who is associated with the earth, and the cottagers, and rural residents. Well, if the water system is missing or not working, and the summers are hot and dry, the problem of providing water is becoming a serious. Rescue — pump.
If you wish for your site to have early vegetables — so you need a greenhouse. Only it will be able to create the conditions to maintain a constant high temperature and humidity of soil and air to plants both day and night. Designs individual Galic and greenhouses under the film a lot, and each has its own peculiarity, its rational beginning. Made in industrial conditions, of course, more technologically advanced, but the self-made greenhouses and greenhouses under the film often cheaper, more practical.
In the Russian language a lot of words-omonimo that are pronounced and spelled the same, and the value have different and even opposite. Such a fate, for example, the word “interfere.” In the first sense — letting, and in another — to connect, making the mixture homogeneous. Interestingly, the principle of operation of such machine, as the mixer, get along well both of these concepts: some parts are intended to move part of the material loaded in the drum, and others — not to allow to move the other part, which is the mixing of the components.
When carrying out carpentry work, especially in the manufacture of panel furniture, one of the most common operations and uncomfortable — butt connection of wall. It is necessary to strictly maintain the angle between them (and not necessarily the angle of a straight line) and provide enough pressure in the joint. Even more, this operation is more complicated if have to work alone, without assistants.
To the earth-the wet nurse turn now your eyes many. However, having obtained their allotments, others face a problem: what is his handle? Without reliable metopomancy virgin will not raise, but most of the ability to purchase or self-production — more than modest.
All of these conditions were considered members of the Ishim station of young technicians who have designed and constructed a simple tiller. It is simple and therefore, reliable kinematics. The power unit of the cultivator is relatively cheap and common monovelocity the motor D8. This single cylinder two-stroke carbureted engine with crank-chamber scavenging. In order to tailor the engine for a tiller, had to perform a small, but proved a very valuable improvement.
The idea to build a small tractor did not come from “itching” technical creativity and the urgent need for mechanization of the farm and the transportation of economic goods. The last appointment of the tractor vehicle, predetermined the necessity of its registration in bodies of Rostekhnadzor. And therefore just note the following. Although most of the units, mechanisms and assemblies used in tractor from written off cars and agricultural machinery, bought them not as necessary, but strictly according to the documents — bills and receipts that subsequently (at the reception) was brought in the office.
Every gardener knows that potatoes are not the same size. Therefore, the need for bulkheads potatoes obvious. After sorting it has a higher shelf life and high commodity properties: large tubers are for sale, and small for processing or for animal feed. Sorted potatoes and in the spring before planting.