TO PLOW, MOW AND STACK CHANGEIn rural life, there are many laborious works, which nevertheless must be done quickly, such as a spring — sown, summer — haymaking, harvesting in autumn and finally the snow in winter When they are executed, if there are many helpers, without mechanization not do a Great help on the farm would be workaholic-a tractor, but is it “rent”? So try the hosts of the farmsteads, knowing techniques to purchase inexpensive some broken tractor and restore it But for everyone of those too lacking, and therefore the “paracasei”, try to make the tractor themselves from discarded scrap metal units and units of different machines.

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SCALE the Heaters NOT TERRIBLEholiday cottages or dwelling houses of the manor type of water is generally pumped from wells or boreholes. Heat it for domestic use often in electrotechno (pass-through or cyclic action) is a relatively inexpensive and convenient thermal devices. However, offer the industry’s elektrolitny designed for “soft” water with low salt content. And well or borehole water is usually “hard” (and therefore delicious) because it dissolved salts of various elements, particularly potassium. When heated, this water (especially boiling), the Heaters (thermal heaters) in the titans quickly covers the gray “fur coat” — scale, which impedes the heat transfer.

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METAPHORIsn’t that a stark contrast: while the fields of collective and state farms are treated today powerful “Kirov workers”, the private plots of rural workers in the old plow at best plow horse, and at worst — just dig with a shovel. This work is unproductive, time-consuming, moreover, requires considerable physical effort. That’s why many of the “homebrew” without waiting for the industry mastered the production of agricultural micro-technology, develop and produce motology and microfracture, cultivators and power hoes. In today’s publishing, you will be able to meet with the drawings and description of a homemade motor-plow, constructed a work of pumping plant VI Petruna from the village Svessa, Yampolsky district, Sumy region. Design although it did not meet all the requirements of modern design, completely reliable and fully justifies the name of metaphora.

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IN THE VAST RUSSIAN FIELDSAbout halfway between Moscow and Yaroslavl lies an ancient Russian city Pereslavl-Zalessky. He is known not only as the cradle of the Russian fleet, but, as it turned out, their craftsmen. Pereslavskogo the population of the district are mostly employed in the agricultural sector and in rural areas without mechanical aides can not do. To buy a tractor, even a small one, under the current rural income is almost impossible, so come to the help of savvy but hard-working hands.


With the growth of livestock per farm farms there was a need of increasing the food supply. Forage – a very laborious process, requiring great effort and fine days weather loosens it a little. Manually, the old fashioned way with a scythe and a rake, with this task to cope became more difficult. Meanwhile, in private households gradually began to appear on trucks, tractors. It took them various agricultural implements, trailers and ancillaries. In particular, hay began to use balers. Now hay pressed in rolls of approximately 200 – 300 kg. They have to be transported from the field to the storage place. But try to raise the weight and throw in the truck or even lift on the truck tractor! So I got the idea to make the so-called tractor lift coils – rear unit operating from the tractor.

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HARVESTER GARDENERHARVESTER GARDENERWhat is usually stored in the pantry a good host, enthusiastically engaged in cultivating and farming vegetable crops? As a rule, a large set of various tools, among which the most common shovel, hoe, rakes, hand cultivators, weed control, and other similar accessories simple assistants to facilitate the work and help to grow a good crop of vegetables and different varieties of greens. To deliver a similar Arsenal to the garden beds and planting is required to have truck.

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LOG SPLITTER OF MY DREAMSIn the well-known encyclopedia even the last century “Industry and technology” in volume on “the treatment of fibrous substances”, which is a tree, it is said that “in the works for the division of the tree matters … splitting”. And further: “wedge-shaped tool extends the shared part of the tree; here the cleavage of the tree at a distance greater than the tool can penetrate”.

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