When landscaping a backyard or suburban area, as well as in the construction of which other individual object is constantly required to fill the fossa and sinuses soil, which needs to be sealed. Inevitable hronotropony work, and quite a large volume, for example in the preparation of the base for the concrete floor in the structure, the backfill soil into the cavities of the trench during the construction of Foundation etc. in the production of these works need a weapon impact as a tamper.

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the MILLED... the PLOTFor the treatment of soil created a lot of mechanical devices greatly facilitate this process. Here and motology, and microfracture, and mechanized hoes… of Course, each unit is calculated to handle certain areas: mitotracker, for example, suitable for sufficiently long runs, for plots smaller, more suitable motor-plow, but a small garden it is best not to plow, and… mill. The aim of our present publication is to acquaint you with the design of simple metafrasi. As the power unit it is possible to use any engine from the W (W-52 W-58) with a working volume of cylinder is 50 cm3.

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Potato hasn’t been easy work. Meanwhile, a simple Assembly can radically transform it, making it significantly easier. In appearance he is a one-wheeled wheelbarrow, but not the usual wheel. It consists of three parts — two outer metal disks bent to the external side of teeth-lugs and the middle part, is sawn from a Board Read more…


MANUAL LAWN MOWERAll you know how to grow corn and sunflowers. But it is unlikely that many people imagine how their cleaning. On large areas, of course, operate harvesters and other machines, but on a small, say, a school or experimental plots and to this day I use the lawn shears. However, very tedious and, more importantly, unproductive job. Our young technicians Roofing Sinkevich and Sasha CATIA set out to develop a manual mower for krupnogabaritnykh plant. They came up with a simple and interesting design, which formed the basis of the mechanism. Finally lawn mower “took shape” after a number of improvements and tweaks suggested by Sasha Malkov and Sergey Bolgarskom: now this is a real unit, which not only decimated, but even carefully lays the cut plants.

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MOWER GK-1The reduction in the header is clear: GK — mower; unit refers to the width of one meter. So, without any complaints, called their machine with electric drive technology from a young city M. Volgograd region. “Our lawn mower, write the students last year at regional competition “Young innovators — the village” won first place, and at the all-Russian rally of student teams in Voronezh — the third”.

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BRANCH — STALKThe unusual technique of grafting of trees was proposed by I. V. Michurin, and in the book N.Verzilina “Travel with house plants” describes this original method of obtaining cuttings from living branches directly on the tree. He was “surrounded” branch vessel with water and gave them the roots of the old branches of the pear and Apple trees, cuttings from which the ordinary by not okorenyayutsya. Most clearly such an experience to spend with oleander: its cuttings are particularly well give the roots in water (about a month).

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