SNAKE IN THE POCKETWhat a pleasure to start the thread right under the clouds even a simple crossing of two strips, covered with tissue paper! But in our time it is available only to inhabitants of rural areas… Try to catch a good steady wind at the site, surrounded on all four sides by a fence of high-rise homes! And try to bring a fragile product to the nearest Park in the crush of urban transport it is almost hopeless.


INSTEAD OF FUEL - CO2The release of carbon dioxide industry miniature engines has caused many young technicians ‘ interest in the models in which you can use this reliable, silent, environmentally friendly motor. In the “M-K” have already talked about a few simple ship models with such engines. Today we offer you to make simple model airplane motor CO2. By construction, this classic high set scheme, made without the use of scarce balsa wood — mostly pine and light lime. The fuselage of the model are collected from pine spars a cross section of 2X2 mm and cross-beams of the same section. The Assembly is the simplest slipway, made of two sheets of plywood, covered with plastic wrap — so that the workpiece is not glued to the slipway. Build order is as follows: the rack-bars fixed with pins, then cut between the frame crossmember and finally the joints fill with epoxy glue so that between the blanks formed a fillet — a fillet transition. Billet spars are pre-bent over a candle flame. First, it makes sense to applied to the wall side of the fuselage, and then collect from half of spatial farm. Please note that the front spars of the fuselage together reinforced frame — lime plate thickness of 3 mm, it also serves as the basis for the engine mounts. The front part of the fuselage top and bottom (bottom to the rear edge of the wing and top to the front) paste over fake veneer thickness of 1 mm.


DUSHANBE STARTSSince 1980, the “geography” of the USSR Championships in the sport of flying remained the same — start small rockets passed on two “spaceports” (“Tapani” under Tbilisi and “Aranci” near Tashkent). But to VIII of the championship was selected the sports airfield “fakhrabad” Dushanbe ask.


WATER FASTER THAN A PLANEWhat can you do — we have no way to get the materials, without which, it seems, is impossible to imagine modern models. A thin fiberglass (not to mention the carbon fabric), the specific binder resins, superdigital and more, thereby yielding better results even in school competitions, this has only dreamed of. And to help these materials in the state, not every corporate enterprise, if at all there is a mug. Well, hope that they eventually can be found in stores at all.


IN A CONFRONTATION WITH TWO ELEMENTS“Competition motors”… These words you will hear today in any event — such was the struggle for victory in almost all sports classes. Ship-, auto – and aircraft modeling — all success is unthinkable without the unique materials and techniques for making homemade or high-powered serial superdigital. The exceptions are rare. Perhaps this is the only copy, yachts and aerobatic Yes “bouzouki”. And the pilots of modern RC UAV-unmanned aerial vehicle-the”acrobats” often complain about the lack of power of the engines!


TAKE-OFF-WITH HANDS!Small model scale of about half a meter and weighing 20-30 grams at first glance give the impression of toys. But as soon as test flights, the opinion of inexperienced viewers immediately changing! It turns out that the apparatus according to the flight properties left far behind their paper predecessors. Running in the sky sharp throw hands, they are capable of rapid start, similar to the motor-take off the good timers.


FLYING OVER WATERToday we offer modelers an unusual material. If the majority of the publications was based on existing research and was devoted to the already realized results of the design search, then this article is for reservoir engineer V. Viktorova, as if in contrast to them, entirely composed of mere “ideas.” But how many times history of modeling, and technology in General, proved the viability and the viability at first seem “crazy”. Characteristically, they at first met with either resistance on the part of even the most experienced athletes (perhaps I ought to say not “even” but “especially”? After extensive experience of the wealth, but sometimes the “limiter” for anything that does not fit into the framework of experience), or complete disregard.



What do you think, is it possible to create a good championship model glider class A1 without balsa? Hardly… it is believed that the absence of a glider balsa parts or evidence of the inability to get this scarce wood, or the inability to work with her. But in any case Bespalova design immediately assigned to the nickname “the stump”, and the attitude of its flight properties — the most skeptical, and in most cases, this skepticism is justified.