WEAPONS OF THE AIR FIGHTERSThe followers of Cordoba modeling we offer today a selection of two closely-related within the meaning of materials. In the first of them tells of a very successful training model, which can successfully perform in the school competition in the class “air fight”. The second development deals with the creation of a serious sports equipment available for the average Modeler materials. Thus we will try to help beginners cordovil undergo a two stage improvement.

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Today we want to introduce the adherents of model shipbuilding with the successful development of Czechoslovak athletes. Interestingly, they have created a small motor boat “Smaragd” is designed based on the highly successful hull of sports “train” subclass E7 (construction of which our magazine introduced to its readers in No. 5 of 1992). I hope you will be interested to know how the target pure sports car can turn into a spectacular polyopia. By the way, except for the external transformations, the new model simultaneously received and other power equipment much more affordable for the average modeller. Long-term experiments allowed the authors to find the optimal combination performance.


Despite the many difficulties of various kinds that occurs at each step of the athlete or Amateur Modeler, RC aircraft not yet “died out” among the mass of the cart. Oddly enough, on the contrary, in recent years they are becoming increasingly popular Probably, this is due to an enduring interest in the most complex kind of modeling and at the same time on our appearance more than the poor modelistica “market” instrument of cooperative production. Not to say that it’s world-class products. But it is “down” above the same “Supramar” and is already able to satisfy the needs of novice and developing athletes — circuit decisions in a number of cooperative rulemaking and receivers close to the Western products.



The development of the increasingly popular class of model airplanes-gliders reduced dimensions traditionally associated with increasing complexity and increasing elongation of their wings. One of the attempts to show that there are other, much more affordable and effective ways of designing paritala class A1, was made in the “M-K” in 1992 with the publication of model with a simplified power circuit.



Even if the shoulder is already extensive experience in building boat-copies, still in the design of the new microtune he inevitably faces the problem of which engine to put in a future copy! Glow or compression — there are problems with fuel, sound attenuation, and vibration. Electric! But it is not without flaws, especially considering the large mass of electric accumulators.


FLIGHT A KITEThat a kite can be under the control of a pilot to perform almost a full range of aerobatics, very few people know. It should be noted that the modelers individual samples of superslow quite bulky and have a complicated design, which cannot reproduce is not for everyone. We offer our readers a new design “acrobatic” snake simplified scheme. Except for reduced dimensions, it is characterized by the possibility of quick Assembly and disassembly, which is invaluable during transportation.


Held in the fall of 1991, sports bilateral meeting of American and Soviet missile-modelers winner in the class S4B was Robert Park, a native of the state of California. His rocket plane “Hummingbird” for all the apparent simplicity has a number of original technical solutions. One of them is separating the propulsion unit. Second — change the camber of the wing by the deflection of the flaps.


KILLER Throughout the military conflict in the Persian Gulf (operation “desert Storm”) in most of the media’s constant attention was paid to the action of the American missile defense system “Patriot”. Its successful use against Iraqi “Scud” (see “M-K” № 8’92) launched on the civilian facilities of Israel and Saudi Arabia, was rightly described as a triumph of modern military equipment.