VARTULI: A NEW GENERATION?In the competition of young avtomodelistov as the winter sports season and summer now dominates the aviation scheme snowmobiles and cars. Their scheme is already thoroughly known and, seemingly, has already passed all stages of perfection. Studied and worked out every knot simple models, clear design principles from the point of view of simplicity and reliability, stability of motion and speed of the turn.


For those who have passed the first stage of learning the art of radiopilot on the simplest gliders and pondered the project of the first motor cars will probably be interesting and useful the following information. Season 1992 among beginners-“radio operators” in Moscow conditionally passed under the sign “Terry” (so-called set-make a learning engine model by “Graupner”) — so a large popularity of the scheme is a good small model.


SECRETS OF THE BOARD OF THE SHIPYARDJudging by the letters received from our readers, many are passionate about creating copies of ships relished compilation copyright materials that reveal various secrets of working on microcode. Today we introduce modelers with experience A. Krainov. THE COPYING SCALE. In the XVII—XVIII centuries, when the craftsmen of that time were created many surviving to the present day models of sailing ships, there was developed a scale based on calculating dimensions in feet and inches. The tradition of the choice of scale has passed through the centuries, and today the most successful I must admit 1:32 and 1:4B. The thing is that in accordance with the laws of copying all the elements of the model should be made of the same materials as those used on the ship prototype. And details such as the shape of the ornament, sculptural elements and other details of sailing ships, when smaller scales cut out of wood or bone is extremely difficult.


CARDBOARD CARTo join automodelismo the summer holidays will help is quite simple and yet quite successful design of a sports car. Created in Leningrad by modelers, it has proven to be promising for wide use in the self-similar circles pioneer camps, clubs of technical creativity in the community and at home.


FIRST ROCKETWhere to start! This is the question asked by many novice rocketmodeler. What model to choose and what technology to build it! In our opinion, a good help in this will have material prepared at the request of the editors by S. Karasinym, supervisor of the club Houses of children’s creativity on Vasilevsky island of St. Petersburg.


THE MOTOR OUT...NAILS AND SCREWSBefore copiers that manufacture aircraft models in the Mel scale, often raises the problem of simulating a power plant with a radial engine. Offers an unusual method based on the use of… conventional steel screws or bolts. First, you need to pick up screws with fine or medium threads, the outside diameter corresponding to the cylinder size of the engine. The screws are trimmed to length and with one edge sharpened needle files tapered tetrahedron (the angle and depends only on the number of cylinders). Then, treating the sharpened surface etched with acid, they oblizyvaet using a soldering iron.


AN INEXHAUSTIBLE SUBJECT: THE DEAD EYEModelers with experience know how difficult it is to produce copies of a sailboat hundreds most likely dead eye, which upholstered in the shrouds of masts, mast, Bram-mast and other elements. The manufacture of such micropetala is a very laborious task due to the complexity of the details and requirements for scale looks, greatly affecting the appearance of microporosity in General.