Russia is rich in people who can not imagine life without Hobbies, and his name—technical creativity. Their heads are busy with ideas and projects, and hand — work. Many of these people have designed and built single-handedly as many original cars as for the same time, idea can often develop the whole design Bureau.
Readers of “Modeller-designer” know a lot of names of Amateur inventors, can equally successfully realitate, SAI the designs and variety designs.

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The number of cases of “improper” use of plastic bottles of carbonated drinks exceeded, judging by the publications in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”, all conceivable limits. And recently, this bottle has adopted even modelers, created on its base ultralight tank for compressed air, resulting in rotation of the pneumatic motor of the airplane.On the basis of these lightest of the vessels was developed as several boat and for novice modelers and for older children.

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TWIN-ENGINE ELECTROLETFlying cord “pilotage” — a beautiful sight, equally exciting for the athletes and spectators. Accordingly, among modelers-korovikov the number of adherents of flying is very high. And it could be much higher if not for problems with model aircraft engines. A small resource of internal combustion engines, the difficulty of obtaining fuel mixture, difficulty starting (especially in winter) — all of this contributes to the popularity of cord models with internal combustion engines in General and flight in particular.

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The easiest way to cast him “into the ground” — in sand-clay the form obtained by pressing it to the plane of symmetry of the model Bulba, carved out of wood. Bulbs obtained from pairs of such castings, tied in a single whole with three or four screws-tapping screws.
The next stage of construction of the body — bonding of the frame members and the keel well, which under the wooden slats, plywood box and pitching well in the foam cut grooves, and all these details are fixed in the housing with epoxy glue.

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Schematic model of the airframe and the aircraft, as you know, started flying much earlier than their full-size prototypes. Paving the real aircraft’s path in the sky, they are now helping novice modelers to do their first steps in small aircraft. It is a pity that “schematicity” of today do not differ from those that did even our grandparents: all of the same pine strips, aluminum wire, model aircraft rubber, a little tissue paper, yarn and glue. No new materials, no advanced design and engineering techniques. This publication is offered to novice modelers a simple universal model, which the manufacturer is not much more complicated schematic, but its aerodynamics and, consequently, the flight data is on a modern level.

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Competitions of different rank showed that as prototypes for the manufacture of contour models are used only a dozen types of aircraft. And to participate our aeromodelling circle in the next competition, it was decided to make a model rare prototype. Our choice fell on PIPER CAB, one of the most successful light aircraft, produced in mass quantities since the pre-war (1935).


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THE WAY TO The subject of today’s article – geophysical rocket R-2A. In previous publications we described in detail the technology of making copies of R-1 and R-2. The same technology used to create the model of R-2A. Will not be superfluous once more to tell for those who have not read those numbers.

I want to draw the reader’s attention to the fact that a copy of the R-2A for the competition will undoubtedly be more difficult than the previously described R-1 and R-2. But it justifies itself. First, the presence of side boosters (containers) due to the complexity of manufacture of the Central block leads to an increase in points for “the stand”. Secondly, if you do the ejection side of the mortars in the model (but more on that below), increased the rating for the flight demonstration.

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THE WAY TO Model-a copy of the ballistic missile R-2

In 1951, took arms ballistic missile R-2 (product 8Ж38), created under the leadership of S. P. Korolev. Its performance characteristics were: missile launch weight of 20 to 300 kg, the maximum flight range is 576 km, mass of warhead – more than 1000 kg. R-2 to improve accuracy in lateral direction had a system of the frequency control with two antennas on the body, weight an untucked missiles – 4430 kg.


BATTLESHIPS OF ASSYRIAIt is no accident XII-IX century BC historians call the “dark ages”. During this period, the tribes inhabiting the Northern and Eastern coast of the Mediterranean sea, meeting face-to-face, marked the beginning of numerous clashes peoples. Ancient States were dissolved in the mass of the conquerors, and the free lands of the new colony. Art, and knowledge fell into decay, was perfected as a weapon. In the center of these events was Phoenicia, a city which has turned into a different camp. But not only the fear carried with them the conquerors, has never had the Phoenicians faced with a variety of designs and decoration of ships that washed up on their shores. This was the impetus for the development of shipbuilding. In the main shipyard in the Middle East actively adopt foreign experience, adapted it to new conditions.

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