In October 1996 in the Udmurt Republic celebrated the 65th anniversary of the system of children’s technical creativity. In 1931 in Izhevsk was opened the first children’s technical station, later received the status of Republican. Over the years many students RSUT became heroes of the Soviet Union, doctor of technical Sciences, honored workers of science and culture, managers of industrial enterprises, masters of sports. Best work 236 young technicians Udmurt Republic were awarded medals VDNH USSR, many leaders awarded gold and silver medals, received the title of laureates of the NTTM, 42 pupil participated in the international exhibitions in Japan, France, Germany, Belgium and other countries.
Auto Moto Service
Tourist boat-amphibian “AMFA” was built by Vitaly G. Lebedev 35 years ago. Over many years of operation it is, of course, has undergone several upgrades, but inherent in it original constructive ideas are outdated. AMFA is still pleasing to his Creator and his family, demonstrating on the water and on land of excellent quality. In the late 50-ies, when life after the war became easier and the children have grown up, I wanted to show them new places. We lived almost on the Bank of the canal Moscow — Volga, and water transport, as you know, the cheapest. So was born my idea to build a boat.
The new rules of competition in the class of models of “air combat” prohibit the use of glow engines without mufflers. Offers its readers the most successful I have developed silencers for the engine CSTOM is 2.5. It consists of a clamp, camera jamming, staples, lid and M3 screws with spring washers.
The use of the resonance of the exhaust pipes on the engine all model classes allows us to dramatically improve athletic performance competitions. However, the geometrical parameters of the pipes are determined, usually by trial and error, since to date there is no clear understanding and clear interpretation of the processes occurring in these gas-dynamic devices. But in the few sources of information on this subject are contradictory findings, which have an arbitrary interpretation.
Curious views accompany this anipa everywhere. And no wonder — too unusual looks drown it in the car… a boat on wheels. We are talking about a vehicle that exists so far in a single copy— planing of the amphibian Triton. It was built by a man who, it would seem, very Dalen. D. T. Kudryachev not constructor, and a professional musician for a long time akademicheskom worked in the Moscow musical theatre named after K. S. Stanislavsky and V. I. Nemirovich-Danchenko.
There are few enthusiasts, capable in difficult conditions to undertake the construction of a homemade car. To undertake and perform the scope of work for the design, construction and debugging, which forces only the factory design Bureau. Especially such a vehicle which offers the readers the author from Tyumen A. A. KLUNK (see photo on the cover of “Modeller-designer” No. 10 of 1996). His Laguna looks attractive even with the abundance of the streets cars of the most modern brands. The local wits say about the creation of his countryman: “Car? “Nine”? “Carlotta”? No, guys, hand-job!”
Motorists are well aware how much trouble delivering the usual garage double gates. Particular difficulties arise in the winter when you have almost every day to clean the snow in front of the garage, otherwise, to open or close the gate leaf is almost impossible. Meanwhile, there are many designs, devoid of these shortcomings. Among them are shifted to the side, climb up, folded like an accordion. Meet flexible doors, which are wound on the drum located at the top of the box. However, they are not very reliable, because they have open joints or through cracks.
Flight from the Orion constellation, the constellation of the Scorpion, namely the alpha of the constellation — Antares, would require probably much more time than creating the paraglider, called star names. Family paragliders series “Orion”, which became a safe guide to paragliding for hundreds of pilots, for the period from 1986 to 1994, was developed more than ten modifications. The Orions to the present time are respected due to their high reliability and keep the palm as the first domestic production gliders (beginning of serial production — may, 1990, protected by a certificate for an industrial design. Authors: O. Zaitsev and A. Chernovalov).
Brand motorcycles “IZH” and “Java” can be fairly easily translated into bezakkumulyatornyh the ignition. I did it seven years ago, and so far — no complaints. What do you need? If the motorcycle has electric on 6 V, the generator set 7 In — from “Minsk” or the old “Sunrise” (with contact or electronic ignition), and if 12 In, 14 In — from the new “Sunrise”. Moreover, the rotors of the machines can be both with removable and fixed Cams (in the first case, a simpler installation procedure). For 2-cylinder engines (with electronic ignition), you will also need another coil of the sensor and another electronic switch. Finally, turned from steel on a lathe and cutting manually adapter flanges with a configuration that depends on the brand of the motorcycle.