Why not just get on the forest in the Arkhangelsk region wood! Prefer and lecturer in the school of the village Lamorna Oleg Dmitrievich Cheese. Teaching children the skills of working with wood, he became interested in the design of this fertile material. Active helpers his pupils 7— 8 classes. Improved carpenter’s bench, made by Read more…


SNOWMOBILE: IDEAS AND DESIGNSInterest in snowmobiles as individual means of transportation on winter roads and sporty type motor vehicles manifested itself long ago. But as widespread as it is now, the hobby of Amateur snowmobiles contributed, undoubtedly, increase the General technical level of young people. According to incomplete data, the number of snowmobiles built by enthusiasts since 1968, has almost doubled.

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ADDRESS — SITEAt the construction sites of the Baikal-Amur mainline and KAMAZ, large and small Komsomol — everywhere can be used a variety of mechanical AIDS created by the innovators of the construction sites and shown recently at the Exhibition of achievements of national economy of the USSR.

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PLAYING BACK AT DIFFERENT SPEEDSAlmost two centuries have passed since the invention of the Bicycle. Since then, just who, where and how it didn’t “reinvent” and not improved. The result was a diverse array of pedal cars from a suitcase mini”bike” to multi-seat tandems, velomobiles to water and even air bikes, from utility to high-speed sports, from the simple to are equipped with computers.

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Fig. 1. Tractor hillside T-50K.Slightly more than half a century ago, at the dawn of Soviet power, Lenin dreamed of the time when we can give agriculture 100 thousand tractors. The Soviet people under the leadership of the Communist party brought to life the dream of the great leader, fulfilled his Covenant. Today 100 thousand — millions of a powerful modern tractors working in the vast expanses of the country. Every year, collective and state farms received a new and more productive machines.

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ROVER All-terrain vehicle manufactured in July 2013 and all this time worked without a break. Engine turbo diesel Kubota V1505-T power 44 HP (with restrictor) and a torque of 118 Nm. The engine weighs about 120 kg. Fuel tank capacity of 70 liters, the average fuel consumption 2 litres per hour. Transmission of the VAZ-2110, main gear from a GAZ-66.

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TOBOGGAN TRIOOur magazine wrote many times about the reader’s development of engines for different homemade cars, planes, cars, hovercraft, and even for aircraft operated with the process of technical creativity. These enthusiasts pursue basically the same goal — the creation of relatively light weight of the engines, which power would fill a gap in the row engines of industrial production and would achieve the diys satisfactory performance.

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THE CAR GETS ON THE RAILSKomsomol construction project of the century called the Baikal-Amur mainline, the first group of builders which came here directly from the XVII Congress of the Komsomol. And today from all over the country to impact the construction site go to the envoys of the League, comes appliances. Go further miles of railroad tracks, and the entire path will reach 3 thousand km with extra: taiga jungle and mountain ranges, permafrost — in the most difficult conditions, requiring not only the labor heroism, but also continuous innovation, bold engineering solutions, modern technology.

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PLANER FOR THE PLANETDISAPPEARED AS A PROFESSION. It was in the summer months of 1903. Was the construction of the Amur railway. Before the start of the Russo-Japanese war was still six months, but in the air, as they say, smell of gunpowder. People from poverty and landlessness arrived to the far East from the depths of Russia, worked from early morning until late at night: they cut the forest, uprooted stumps, dug and carried in a wheelbarrow the earth, filling the canvas. However, building progressed slowly. Even the strongest and experienced digger can not for the eight-hour working day to remove and shovel shovel more 4-8 cubic meters of soil. The earth is dense and heavy, working with it for centuries was considered one of the most difficult.

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