MINI-TRACTOR Mini tractor built for a friend, a neighbor. The machine is designed for layout of the infield, clearing of snow from driveways and walkways, towing a cargo trailer. The engine and gear shift – from the car “Oka” (welded differential). Transfer case and the bridges – from the “Niva” car without alterations.

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In one of the rooms for 1968 we talked about the little micro-car, built by A. Krasnov from the Volga city of Togliatti. In the picture is a modernized variant, tentatively called them “the Zhiguli”. Changed body shape and improved utilization of internal useful space and aesthetic appearance; reinforced undercarriage; instead of the M-72 is Read more…


SNOWMOBILE: IDEAS AND DESIGNS(The end. Beginning at No. 2, 1975)


Teacher Stanislav I. Pozdnyakov from the city of Berezina in the Minsk region, has been building snowmobiles for almost 10 years. He set himself the seemingly narrow task: to make a winter car for use on snow-covered roads — roads and country. In the process, the designer has found some original solutions of individual units. And although the appearance of his car is not very attractive, it is comfortable enough and that the basic, reliable in operation (see photo).

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CABIN BOAT — Look, look — the Martians! surprised and enthusiastically shouted we met the boys when Ruslan, bristling with television and radio antennas, approached the pier. We looked at each other and laughed: indeed, and our boat, and ourselves, dressed in black suits with bright yellow bands were like aliens.

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No steep turns on groomed winter road or spring ice is not terrible motorcycle with the original device, made by G. Konyaev from the village of Il’insk Perm region. The hinge side of the rack with ski mi, “sprung” rubber shock absorbers, for a third winter reliable “insure” the rider on slippery snowy or icy Read more…


AUGER AGAINST THE SNOWThe inhabitants of the city of Valdai in the Novgorod region, V. Berezhnoy country the site is located near the city limits, on the Western shore of the lake Highly the bottom. From the house — half an hour walking speed. Therefore, Victor D. tries all year round spend free time on the site, clean air.

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IMPROVISATION ON THE THEME OF THE MILITARY CARIMPROVISATION ON THE THEME OF THE MILITARY CARLong ago, in the mid-1980s, when the Moscow plant “Salyut” there was a club of sports-technical creativity. It was in the club three vintage car: ZIS-5, GAZ-MM (“lorry”), the GAZ-67B. With the beginning of perestroika and the General collapse of the country club was closed, the premises and the garage was given to other needs, and the vehicles concerned members of the club parked where it is possible, just not rotted under the open sky in the backyard… Well, the GAZ-67 came to the cottage of our family. Since the machine was without documents and numbers, to legally use it. And she stood there for ten years, until the “good people” didn’t catch her exploded and the metal. I was young then, to the world of technology just joined and did not understand the historical value of this machine.

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SQUARE-ASTERISKNot so long ago was invented the elliptical leading Cycling asterisk, allowing to increase the efficiency of holotransmit, faster to scroll through “dead spots”. One time they even went on sale, but then disappeared. To produce such a star yourself is very difficult and time consuming due to its configuration and the large number of teeth.

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