Our longtime reader Ivan sagaev, for a long time living in the North, in Vorkuta, was fond of creating various ATVs, snowmobiles, etc. after Moving to live in a more “southern” region (the city of Topki, Kemerovo region), switched to snow-removal equipment: he has his own house, the snow in the winter in these parts very much and if it in time not to remove, will fall asleep on the tube. For seven years he produced six different designs. Here are three of them.
A. Lomakin from the city of Artem of Primorski territory considers that the design of his tractor pretty good, as is relatively simple due to selection (albeit random) units. The frame of the tractor is homemade, simple, rectangular. Welded from channel No. 14. Front — wheel cars. Rear axle Assembly from the forklift. The gear ratio of the main transmission (I = 17) and side (wheel) gear allowed to do without a dual.
Young inventors from the village of Enem, Krasnodar territory familiar to readers of our pages have already been published diagrams and descriptions of the designs, created with their hands. You guys have a slogan that they came up with this and follow it: “School piticescu — decent tools!” His words rural students confirm the business — not so long ago, they built a tractor, adapted to the conditions of the school sites. Its design tells the glee club Director VOIR N. M. OBREJA.
In Moscow in the yard of the house № 11 on the 2nd Schukinskaya travel can often see the most incredible car designs, which are operated by boys and girls. And the amazing thing is that all this micro-technology they themselves have built. And the center of gravity of the infantile population of the yard — children’s technology club ZHKO research Institute of inorganic materials. Interesting about the machines that are created here, we are told in No. 9 for 1974 and No. 6 in 1975.
Oddly enough, recumbent… older bike. Its ancestor can be considered the original “self-moving carriage” proposed by the famous Russian inventor Kulibin in 1791. On her back, at the back, stood the servant, pressing down on the levers and spinning the two horizontal flywheel.
This universal machine with a capacity of 2.5 t built Ustinovich V. S. Stern Rostov region the engine of the machine from the tractor T-40: diesel, 4-cylinder, air-cooled output of 50 HP Frame from the mobile pumping stations, bridges and rear wheels from GAZ-51, the front wheels from mnogolemeshny plow, transmission from GAZ-53. Dump body and a manipulator with a lifting capacity of 1,5 t — homemade.
There is a perception that sailing is a lot of people with high incomes. Of course, in relation to racing dinghies and cruising yachts, this is largely true. However, from a small homemade ahtoska you can get no less pleasure than the solid cabin of a sailboat, the more it will cost you significantly less.
The hinged trailer was manufactured and installed on the tractor MTZ-5 (Fig. 1). Figure 2 shows a diagram of the tipper Assembly. Its main parts: a support frame body, weld metal landing frame and precast plank exterior.
Guys living in rural areas, and many urban students know: before posting to the Elevator, harvested grain, until dried, stored at currents in piles. However, long contain so harvest is impossible: because of the increased humidity may increase the temperature inside the piles, and the grain will spoil. To avoid this, it is shoveled (inner and outer layers are reversed). And the time when the grain begins to overheat, determined by its temperature and humidity.
With this proposal, despite the well-known skeptical saying, our magazine appealed to readers in No. 6, 1969, published a compilation about some unusual designs and a description of the bike S. I. Gorshkov with an additional manual drive on the front wheel.