SPURS OF ICENumerous devices to footwear designed to protect from a fall on a slippery road, have, as a rule, one common drawback: effective on the ice, they begin to help its owner to slip, if he sets foot on the stone floor or metal step. To avoid this, means snow needs at the right time to display to the off position. As described below, the device allows to do this.

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FURNACE AND FIREPLACE AND STOVEIf the layout of the rural house or garden such that the largest room borders the kitchen, instead of the disparate sources of heat (conventional oven or the fireplace in the “hall”, and plates in the kitchen) it makes sense to build the complex furnace-fireplace-stove. In our farmhouse and made: all heat sources are connected to a single volume with a single tube (of course, alternately use it) that gives a noticeable savings of space and materials. Feature of the complex is that the fireplace is easy to turn to the oven and Vice versa. In addition, by manipulating the valve-mi-sliders from great room to heat the kitchen or, on the contrary, from the kitchen to actively nurture a warm room.

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MYSTERY ATTACKERExternally, this padlock is no different from thousands of his fellows, keepers of the storerooms and garden sheds and utility rooms, stores and warehouses. Dumbfounded except for one detail: it opens… with a screwdriver. Is it possible to trust such a frivolous device, to unlock which can even mischievous boy? “It is possible, — says its Creator engineer I. Yankin. — Open my castle, not even professional burglar, although the key is really little and thin as a knitting needle, screwdriver. The secret is not in the key, and in the castle!”

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Individual suburban area I have a small 5 acres, therefore, the brick house I built corresponding: 4,5×4 m Room razgorodit decorative wall to bedroom and living room. And to make it more cozy, put in the living room fireplace. And now Narada: fireplace heats the room properly, creates an unusual situation “dialogue” with an open fire. Besides takes place a bit in the area. I would be happy if somebody uses my experience.

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Every family make preparations for the winter: jams, pickles, juices, syrups. It happens that they catch the hostess off guard: no cans, lids, not satisfied with the capacity. Some are trying to harness the imported plastic bottles of 1,5 — 2 l no Words, Tara is very convenient. If the contents of the bottle to add a preservative, juices, syrups, wines are stored for very long. But to sterilize such containers is very problematic.

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As soon as the baby learned to crawl, they are seized with a desire to explore the surrounding area, where all sorts of interesting things. Here, parents often helps a well — known invention-the playpen. Its wooden lattice or net made of ropes limit the movement of the baby within this fenced area with toys. This allows the mother to leave, for example, in the kitchen, not afraid for a while to leave a nice child. But most often the mother’s care is accompanied by immediately starting crying — the child does not like to be alone. What to do? Not to drag each time to the kitchen arena, and there is no place for him.

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Children, like mushrooms, grow by leaps and bounds: only yesterday everything was just right, and today, and the shoes are too tight, and the sleeves are short, and the cap is small. However, it is noticeable not only in clothing but also in furniture. So I made up a baby bed, which would have increased the growth of the child. The trick is to split the frame and folding backrest: thanks to them, an ordinary crib with mesh transforms gradually into a couch for a teenager. Despite this versatility, the design is extremely simple and easy to manufacture not even a very experienced master.

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DOWELRepair of apartments are usually not restricted to pure cosmetics. Frequently time some alterations, additional equipment: build utility cabinets, replacement of cornices, hanging shelves, mirrors, hangers. And this inevitably confronts us with the eternal problem: how it is fastened to the walls? Everyone has experienced domogala my favorite techniques: someone drilling holes with a drill with pobeditovym a drill, others prefer carbide punch and hammer. Well, if you need to attach something to a thin wall – for example, the current incabin boxes or cupboards? Industry in this case offers nothing to the house master. For ordinary walls, you often need something more reliable than sagaydaka over time, the wooden plug or plastic plug.

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Almost every family today is an Amateur digital camera, from simple “soap box”, no special adjustments (so to the uninitiated, the sellers say that “the exposure is set automatically”) to medium cameras (semi-professional) class, with the possibilities of optical and electronic settings (and stabilization) in a wide range. Of course, this is not a professional camera, but they still allow you to switch from automatic mode to “manual”, and with backlight function against “red eye”, the camera status indication camera installation for the selected frame (for a comprehensive shooting several scenes in a single frame), multiple manual and automatic zoom, and more.

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HALLWAY FURNITUREThe proposed set of furniture for the hall although made at home, but meets the requirements of modern furniture design, creating comfort and coziness at home. This consists of three cabinets with mezzanines, a Shoe box with a flip up lid that is used as a bench if you want to put on shoes and take off my shoes, and as a wall mirror dresser with three shelves for different things. Everything is decorated in the same style.

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