In the household from time to time there is a need for longitudinal sawing long boards on the bars or slats, trim, particle Board (chipboard) size or production of similar transactions with other similar building or furniture materials. Who performed such work with a hand saw, he knows how it is tedious, and difficult job, especially when such cuts necessary to make a few or have to work with wood, or cut the old particle Board with a lacquer finish, which stiffened the binder, and the coating is vitrified.
Our nature the four seasons and for each desirable “own” shoes: for autumn-spring thaw – one for winter the other for summer – the third. Yes, it is necessary that each family member would have all the necessary kit. In the end, recruited a considerable number of shoes that require its storage place. Yes no bulk in any box, and so that it was convenient to place and use.
Both in the construction and further operation or repair of individual or country house to work on the roof required a special ladder, better wood, with an l-shaped end at the top so you can hook it over the ridge of the roof. Often here it remains idle until the next time, due to structural inability to use it for other purposes. But to make such not so easy.
An increasing number of people would be able to apply Wallpaper in your apartment or room, saving the money and not be restricted by the presence of outsiders -masters. Indeed, it is not hard work, it can be done yourself, but it requires patience, accuracy and some preparation. The lack of expertise here kompensiruet high accuracy and sensitivity.
The development of the garden or suburban area, many owners have to start with providing it with water. Since this problem started and I. The water in the area lies relatively close to the surface – at a depth of about 4.5 m. it would be Possible to dig a dug well. But water consumption was expected irregular and uneven and stagnant water – not the best, not only for drinking or cooking, but also for irrigation.
In small apartments, each square meter not only, as they say, accounting, but is used by the hosts with the maximum load. And that, in General, reasonable. For such housing they try to buy foldable furniture. But at a time when it is not in use, it is in a compact folded standing idle, waiting in the wings (e.g., table-book, clamshell, etc.). In such circumstances, the most appropriate are generic (multi-functional) furniture. They serve their owners, that is, in full — and day and night. A good example of this might be the sofa bed.
In the manufacture or repair of products in the home often have to glue the parts (and more parts) of various materials relevant brands of glue, good in selling their great variety — from generic to special. But an indispensable condition for the quality of the joining parts, even superglue are the need to fasten tightly pressed surfaces, and aging them under pressure to complete drying or polymerization of the binder is from several minutes to days, depending on the brand of glue and applied technology.
Our journal has several articles dedicated to the subject of the application with the use of such waste material, as various bottles. We return to this theme, offering our readers the article author of the suburban town of Vidnoye B. V. Akimov, on the advice which can be disposed of in the country the construction of much of the discarded waste of household. What would I had to either build a house or dacha in six acres primarily designed, as would the shortage of land to combine several functions with minimal cost.
We are accustomed to the fact that the furniture in the house or in the country are made usually from wood or materials on its basis, such as plywood. Wood, according to tradition, are usually made and garden furniture: benches, chairs, tables, and most of all — your hands as this material is available and easily processed. But along with many indisputable advantages of wood it has a significant drawback — it is hygroscopic, that is, not only absorbs falling on her water, but even absorbs moisture directly from the air, thus defiled, darkens, swells, rots, and subsequent uneven drying—warp, crack.
Capacity pipes through their joints is a matter that must face not only the professionals who build and service pipelines. Many homebrew, rural residents, gardeners-gardeners are forced to do such work: one for some designs, others — for various buildings, and some for water.