SHARPENING — SO ON THE MACHINE!“From work saw burn until white!” — wrote Vladimir Mayakovsky in his poem “Whom to be?” Meanwhile, heat the cutting tool in the first place means that he is dull. In this case, the joiner, as of old, takes padpilot (triangular file — in modern terminology) and manually sharpening the teeth of a handsaw. Much hard work and unproductive work! But maybe, and this operation can be mechanized? There are also sharpening machines for milling cutters, disks of circular saws… However, here’s a review on the machine, developed by ninth-graders of high school № 28 of Ust-Kamenogorsk city under the leadership of teacher A. A. Boytsov: “bench grinder will find wide application not only in school workshops, but in the joiner shops of the construction companies and carpentry teams on any construction site. The machine is easy to manufacture and allows you to sharpen the various woodworking tools — hand saws, the blade semi-circular and chain saws”.

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STRUGThe knives or Strug indispensable when machining curved surfaces. To make them simply — it will only have an old file with a length of about 200 mm. In the first file you need to termoobrabotki. Soshlifovat previously a small area, gradually heat the file evenly along its length until, while in ground place appears red-brown film of oxides, after which the file is cooled in water or air. This heat treatment will reduce the brittleness of steel, while maintaining the hardness necessary for cutting edge on plow.

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BLOW, ANOTHER BLOW — SAW IS READY!The principle of operation of this device for cutting, or rather, cutting out of teeth on the blades for the hacksaw is simple. Its main part is a wheel with a cage, fortified it with four screws. On the surface of the cage is cut two or three strands of outer thread with a pitch, height and profile of the future teeth of a saw. Extreme thread thread partly removed with a cutter, or a chisel and chopped off the right angle: the end will perform the role of a punch. To increase the impact force to the flywheel attached two opposed.

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VERTICAL DRILLINGIn the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4 for 2008 have already been published, one of my small bench drill press. Now offers readers a different, in my opinion, a more versatile and interesting design. Meanwhile, this upright drilling machines single-spindle work hard also not hard to make yourself, having practical skills in machining metal parts and metal build, and some of the most complex parts can be ordered as a master-technician.

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INCREASE RELIABILITY A master homebrew, working with metal, have in their Arsenal, angle grinder, called colloquially the “grinder” (the name originated in the old “stagnant” times, due to the fact that this power in the USSR were exclusively Bulgarian production). The undoubted positive qualities (high performance, ease of use, versatility, etc.) have angular shlifmashiny quickly wear out and even break the teeth of bevel gear pairs. To acquire the right set of gears and to sort out the gearbox — no problem. However, this does not relieve further from repeated repairs. It’s all about the grease, or rather in its failure. In the process of thick grease under the action of centrifugal forces distributed over the walls of the casing, divided into sectors by ribs, and thus out of business.

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HAND-HELDPresent Board milling machine come in handy craftsmen who love to work with wood to get the blanks embossed surfaces, various geometric patterns, as well as cutting slots, grooves, sockets (both simple and shaped), etc. the Machine consists of two main parts: a base attached to it the guide posts and spring-loaded platform on which is mounted an electric motor.

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BRAZING WITH PROPANESoldering metal tin solder — one of the most common but, unfortunately, the connection is not too strong. A more reliable seal provide so-called “hard” solders — silver-copper or copper-zinc. Most often, when brazing use a gasoline blowtorch. However, they should be treated skillfully: the lamp is unsafe in the fire relation, smokes when running, the flame is poorly adjusted.

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SPRING A BLUEPRINTCurrently in stores you can easily buy any necessary household products. At the same time, attention and creative efforts of Amateur designers more going on technically complex objects: tractors, ATVs, cars and even airplanes. Changing the homebrew approach to the implementation of the projects; they are not afraid of the need for self-production of complex and accurate parts, which moreover may be subject to strict requirements in terms of strength. One such typical elements present in almost all energy-intensive structures, are cylindrical helical extension springs or compression. In this regard, many of our readers will be interested and, hopefully, it is useful to get acquainted with the methodology developed by the Ukrainian engineer Vladimir Vinichenko, which will help the responsible production of springs with the required quality and accuracy.

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ELECTRORust metal, faded over time, brickwork, lost look painted surface… In all these cases is taken sandpaper or a metal brush — and stop! In the direction — is the last day! The lion’s share of tedious work in the clean-up should be given to the mechanism of the electro.

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