Rotating even a mild wind of utracki-pinwheels are “decoration” of many plots. Their purpose is very utilitarian and the noise of the propeller to drive away from the site of moles and other rodents, which often destroy the roots of fruit trees and shrubs. Design of petrachkov plain— hinged on a long stick wooden block-cross member, one end of which revolves a wooden or metal propeller, and the other with a plywood keel.
Own hands
There are children’s age, which characterize the popular expression: “you then still under the table foot went”. This is when the child is not interested in playing on the floor, while tuition at a table, he is still not Mature enough. The existing options for coffee tables still cumbersome for a child’s room, and the sharp corners of table tops will be quite traumatic for rolling and very careful of the baby. However, it is easy to make the preschool a special children’s table, which was originally offers the magazine “the Technician” (Germany).
When the country house was built and the time of wiring, we, on reflection, abandoned the ceiling lights, because the chandelier is not looked very good in rooms with low ceilings. Instead, it was decided to use local lighting placed above the tables, armchairs and headboards wall or ceiling sconce. It was first supposed to buy them in the store, but “urban” bra wildly looked on the walls of the lining. Had to come up with something different.
Modern furniture – cabinets, tables, shelving made from chipboard or fibreboard, plywood, wooden boards, etc. however, many traditional corner joints (tenon-eye, vpoldereva on the dowels, keyways and others) are not only very time consuming, but sometimes their use is simply impossible. In addition, all these compounds the monolith that it is often very impractical for transport and even moving furniture.
A rat TRAP
The extermination of rats is usually done by three methods: biological, chemical and mechanical. The most common and effective among them is chemical. Sanitary-epidemiological station (SES) conducts it successfully, with cereals, poisoned. But there is a problem: a long smell of the deceased out of reach of the rodent. And in a private house or in the country not to avoid. If neither the dog nor the cat can’t protect you from the rat visits (and maybe no way to keep these friends of the person) – then try a mechanical method of destruction, having made the proposed rat trap.
Many Housewives often want to change the layout of his apartment. Now building new buildings to fulfill this desire is quite real: the architects of advance lay in their projects the possibility of alterations at the discretion of the beneficiaries. However, it is not difficult to do in older homes, as in most of them the internal partitions are not load-bearing and light from a thin-walled panel or gypsum blocks. To perform such work is not difficult – more difficult to get them accepted in the relevant regional interdepartmental or architectural organizations. Their expert Committee should confirm that your dream, for example, to go from the kitchen to the dining room, not through the corridor, and after you have done separating them, the wall of the arch will not violate the requirements of applicable building, sanitary and technical and operational regulations for residential buildings.
Early furniture has served its owners for quite some time, sometimes even several generations. But in our time it quickly becomes outdated morally — design or design. And then this furniture can be a field for experimentation and prudent master, and a novice homebrew. Here they can test their design and engineering skills, but also to give old furniture new life.This “old faithful” and I had — tricuspid wardrobe Cabinet with mezzanines. It panels the walls were made of “refined” particle Board, but the front side doors very solidly trimmed bright polished veneer.
Our nature the four seasons and for each desirable “own” shoes: for autumn-spring thaw – one for winter the other for summer – the third. Yes, it is necessary that each family member would have all the necessary kit. In the end, recruited a considerable number of shoes that require its storage place. Yes no bulk in any box, and so that it was convenient to place and use.
Both in the construction and further operation or repair of individual or country house to work on the roof required a special ladder, better wood, with an l-shaped end at the top so you can hook it over the ridge of the roof. Often here it remains idle until the next time, due to structural inability to use it for other purposes. But to make such not so easy.
An increasing number of people would be able to apply Wallpaper in your apartment or room, saving the money and not be restricted by the presence of outsiders -masters. Indeed, it is not hard work, it can be done yourself, but it requires patience, accuracy and some preparation. The lack of expertise here kompensiruet high accuracy and sensitivity.