REPLACEMENT OF ROM CIRCUITSAs a result of scientific-technical progress increases the degree of integration of integrated circuits (MS), including working in a permanent storage device (ROM). The developers of the micro-computer it is possible to use MS’s permanent memory with a larger capacity, thereby increasing the reliability of the computer while decreasing its size and power consumption. However, Amateur radio operators (especially in remote rural areas), this progress is often not happy. The reason is simple: cutting-edge MS from them or not at all, or they are, but beyond available to the programmer.

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THE CELLAR...THE CELLAR...In a kitchen furniture factory production somehow not provided any special locker for storing vegetables. For croup and utensils easy to adjust and offered by manufacturers of various kinds of cabinets or speakers. But for a small supply of potatoes, onions, carrots, beets would be good to have fitted a smaller capacity. Similar design in the form of neat tables offers Hungarian magazine “Earmaster”, description of the scheme and which, I think, will interest our readers.

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THE HUNCHBACK OF SEATTLECarrier-based fighter Boeing F4B. Fighter Boeing F4B firms on merit according to the United States one of the best fighter biplanes of the late 20-ies of the last century. He was in service for about 20 years and was the last fighter-biplane of mixed construction. His successor aircraft had all-metal construction of fuselage and wing.

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Fig. 1. The appearance of the electronic counter of seeds.Seed stations and seed agro-laboratories often calculate “manual. Manual labor is unproductive and tedious, especially if you need to count a large number of seeds. Counting on 10 thousand grains of wheat takes about three hours. And to make a mistake during manual account easily. However, this operation can be replaced by a method of weighing, but due to the difference in sizes of the seeds of error in this case reaches 30%.

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FRIGATES AND CORVETTESNot to say that after the First world war, the British did not think about the problems of a future war, but their reasonable ideas are embodied in a metal surprisingly slowly. For example, the Admiralty issued an order for a new patrol and guards of the court only after their predecessors came almost to a complete standstill, having exhausted their resources. As a result, by the time of Hitler’s attack on Poland “mistress of the seas” had only six small patrol ships of the “Kingfisher”, and three were in the same building.

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WINGED Fighter FIAT CR-32. The plane, which will be discussed, for the five years preceding the Second world war, was a symbol of Italian fighter aircraft. Small, nimble, he observed the conflicts that arose in South America, in China, in Africa, in the middle East. And in Europe is also not without “Italian fighter”—so in most cases called FIAT CR-32 in various countries around the world.

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