SOLDERING-IMPROMPTUBurned a soldering iron, remained unfinished design… to Get out of the situation will help the soldering iron-impromptu. Cut out a 2-mm fiberglass charge, shape and size of a soldering iron. To provide two holes for ersatz heater, which works fine 10-watt resistor type sew-10 resistance 1 kOhm. It is necessary to connect a “wire-wrap” (about this method of installation, see the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 4’2001), missing in the holes in his conclusions, the power cord burnt the soldering iron (as insulation it is desirable to use heat-resistant “sleeve”).

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OUR ANSWER Long-range bomber Tu-16. Large-scale development of high-speed jet bombers, long-range flight, which began in the USA after the Second world war, could not remain unnoticed in the Soviet Union. A year after the publication of American requirements for such aircraft (in late 1946) to the design Bureau of A. N. Tupolev, Ilyushin and Sukhoi began the design of machines with the same parameters.

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The first time I saw “Polonaise” in the picture. He was standing on one of the Central squares of Warsaw, surrounded by a dense ring of spectators. Interest in the yacht and its captain, engineer and journalist Krzysztof Baranovsky was extremely well-deserved. The first among the poles and the thirteenth in the world, he skirted “an old cannibal” — Cape horn — solo.

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RIVALS CRUISERSBy the end of the First world war the British Navy had a fair amount of patrol type “flower”, but at the end of the 1920-ies it became clear that these hastily built ships will be developed very quickly. Therefore, the renewal of the composition of forces escort and protection, the British started ahead of time.

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AND AGAIN THE TRACK!Today, when in any toy store you can always find a not too expensive radio-controlled models of cars, their availability would have to completely replace trace model. However, practice shows that the latter is still very popular in the children’s centers of technical creativity with circuits. There is still continuing work on creating a new highway model. The fact that they remain a very fertile subject to technical creativity, as you can make them without complex machinery and without expensive materials and components.

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THE PERFECT BIPLANECarrier-based fighter Grumman F3F of the company. In the early 30-ies of the American company Grumman was the undisputed leader in the production of fighter biplanes for carrier-based aircraft. The reason for this was the desire of the designers of this company to apply on their aircrafts with the latest technical achievements. The firm’s assets — development of the original scheme of the landing gear, enclosed cockpit and all-metal fuselage-monocoque with a smooth lining.

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NIK KAWANISHI SIDENJapanese aircraft and engine firm Kawanishi Kokuki KK was founded in 1928 and produced mainly military aircraft, which later was widely used in world war II — four-engine reconnaissance flying boats Н6К and Н8К, as well as a fighter N1K1 float and ground N1K1-JSIDEN (purple lightning).

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