Many rural Amateur designers rightly considered the most promising motoliberty tillage unit. However, it is not without drawbacks. And chief among them is the need every time to drag a heavy plow from the end of the furrow to the beginning, at the same time shifting the very motoliberty a distance equal Majboroda. The fact that in this case the power unit and tillers separated.
Public Design Bureau
We present a prototype of the amphibious machine is a device hovercraft (Ohr) under the name “Aerodzhip”, publication of which was in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor” No. 7 for 2007. Like the previous machine, the new machine – a single-engine, single-rotor with distributed air flow. This model is also triple, with the location of the pilot and passengers at the T-scheme: pilot middle front, and passengers – on the sides, back. Although there is nothing stopping the fourth passenger to sit behind the driver – seat length and power rotor setup is enough.
The device, which I have called “cappenberg”, I constructed at the time when he decided to make an improvised wheels for walking tractor. Wheels with a diameter of 320 mm were cut using this tool.
With a small hand held cutting machine (popularly referred to as “Bulgarian”) model GREAPO PG125SE, made her a simple, but reliable, and most importantly—the right fixture for cutting parts in the form of a circle of sheet metal or holes in it.
A modern car, most often propelled by an internal combustion engine. Such engines there are so many. They differ in volume, number of cylinders, power, speed, fuel used (diesel, gasoline and gas DVS). But, fundamentally, the device of the internal combustion engine, it seems.
In our city of Kingisepp were gliding club ROSTO, which I have since 1996 worked as a flight instructor. Of aircraft in the club were two light aircraft, four airframe. But they were not new. Money to buy new aircraft or the repair of old growth is no longer isolated. Aircraft equipment came into disrepair, and in 2000 the club was liquidated.
My life in aviation began from the age of 10, when I joined a model aircraft club. The cart worked for a long time and seriously, participated in competitions, received the title of candidate master of sports aerobatic models and aerial combat.
Motorists that have a cottage or the HOMESTEAD, in the spring together take up the shovel on par with car-free part of humanity. Meanwhile, they could avoid such wastage of own physical effort, shifting a significant part of them on your car.
I’m a longtime, or rather, hereditary subscriber of the journal “modelist-Konstruktor“. First (1972) the journal was written by my father – Galkin Grigory Petrovich (he is now 80 years old), and then myself. Since the beginning of the output of the app “Aviacollection” – sign on him.
How many can remember, our yard has always been the vehicles. Love for her father has passed and my brother and me. In his youth are still fascinated by aviation. Under the influence magazine chose and the profession: graduated from Vyborg technical school and got the specialty of aviation mechanic. Worked for 21 years with a touch of 7,000 hours of on-Board engineer for the Mi-8 helicopter in the far North.
At the end of 1990-x years the father retired (although he worked another 7 years – 8 at the request of the leadership – he was a good crane operator). At the same time he built the tractor, so that it can serve the readers of “M-K“.
Watching how experienced modelers send in the flight record of the aircraft, one might wish to try their hand and make a small plane with his own hands. It passed through many generation of Amateur designers -making the simple model, was fond of a more complex apparatus, gradually improving his skills. Below we will explain how to build the simplest house model glider is in fact a toy that can be placed on the palm of your hand and try out in a normal city apartment. This is very useful because it does not put you on the weather, or your skill level. This glider can really become an adult and a student, having at hand the necessary minimum – a thin wooden stick, foam sheet thickness of 3 mm, a needle and thread and glue.
If you remember that sports cross-country skis designed for movement, mainly for the track, and a wide hunting transcend any snow, it will be very clear what the proposed design is a home-made sled is significantly different from all sorts of store: first of all, that doesn’t require groomed snow slopes. Even quite popular now trehmernye cat “Chuk and GEK” saved on the hill with deep snow, and these can easily rush down, leaving behind only a white cloud and a wide trail. He will emphasize the basic design feature that gives it such “off”.
To make a model of the ship, which would be a decoration in the house I wanted for a long time. But all that couldn’t decide what military ship to take over the original ones seemed too complicated to manufacture, others pretty boring.