WATER FLOWS UPUnremarkable externally, water tower farm “Precepts of Ilyich” Spassky district, Gorky region. One year supplies the sleep of the villagers spring water. However, coming closer, you will not hear the usual noise water pump operation — he’s not here! And although the source is considerably below the level of the top of the container, water, with only a short respite, rise up! It is not a miracle? No, just Gorky handyman, locksmith-Borsi Yiwu L. Ceranova managed to invent and test the original hydraulic installation, in which for lifting water is used… the energy of the source. We offer our readers acquainted with the principle of operation and device.


THE BIKE, CHANGE SHOESFor a man, far from technical creativity, the expression “reinvent the wheel” has a negative connotation: a waste of time, repetition of already traversed. However, the designer-Amateur gives it a different meaning. He rightly believes that nobody is perfect that new technique you can even find on the beaten road, and continues to look. …Muscovite Vyacheslav Kabatov came to the editorial office with his seven year old son. They brought a bike that… Well, him.


AROUND SILVER SPOKESIt turns out that the bike besides one of the most ancient modes of transport: it is depicted on the recently discovered risuna Leonardo da Vinci related and 1495, that is, will soon celebrate its quincentenary.And at the same time, the bike is forever young, because with each new development it seems to be reborn. Today there are more than 20 thousand patents for a variety of venoconstriction! And the search continues. And it involves not only professional designers, but also a large army of Amateur enthusiasts and fans of pedal techniques, including readers of our magazine. The direction of this search are diverse, but among them we can highlight some General trends.


VITAMIN JACKThe kit tank consists of two round metal mesh laid on top of apples: the first with a mesh size of 1 mm, the second is 0.5 mm (So that the grid didn’t crash on the perimeter they opany); hardwood (oak, beech) CD-punch with holes for the passage of juice, another disk of smaller diameter (not blocked hole punch) and spacer-boss from a wooden bar, used when there is not enough stroke of the Jack.


MICROMELIAAfter reading in the “M-K” on the continuation of the contest “Small mechanization”, decided to take part in it. I propose a simple and compact micromelic. About the size can be judge by the pictures: the whole structure fit on my one hand. It is universal: designed for the production of corn flour of both large and fine grinding, crushing various zernatto and preparation of feed for livestock and poultry in their personal farms.

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FIXED Processing small plots of land, traditional small-sized motorcycles, in our opinion, is quite difficult. Therefore, we have selected other flowsheet which consists of the following: the power plant is at one end of the plot, and the working body from the opposite edge of the plot moves toward the power unit. The operation can have two options: one course of work, and the reverse is blank; in the presence of blocks — both stroke work.


DRILL BECOMES A MACHINEOffer for fans of DIY table homemade drill press using hand drill. On a solid base is mounted a hollow stand-tube, movably installed inside the stock. On the one hand, he sliced the rack to drive the vertical feed, and with another selected area for connection of the bracket with the guide bar through the longitudinal groove of the rack. On the bracket mounted hand drill and the motor. The drive from the drill motor is belt drive. Vertical supply node provides a mechanism assembled in a separate housing. The external dimensions of the machine depend on the chosen length of the strut and the base; the vertical stroke serves for the size — 100 mm.


AMATEUR SPRAYERI made it for the treatment of plants with pest garden. Gathered from local funds, mostly from the motor from the sewing machine, and gear-type oil pump of the motorcycle “Ural”. Installed them on a common base and joined the long drive shaft. The convenient sprayer that attaches to the wall of any suitable container (bucket, tank, pot) with a clamp and a bolt with a nut.