TOMATO HARVESTEREvery time it comes to canning vegetables and preparation of juices, I catch myself thinking that once again have to go to a neighbor for his juicer. She is unpretentious and simple in design, but, once having worked with her, I can not bring myself to use their industrial combine electric and numerous attachments: again the whole kitchen will have to wash all these nozzles are cleaned.


GREENHOUSE-AUTOMATICThe “greenhouse effect” can work for good — with a lack of heat in the spring or cold summer days, and evil — when the bright summer sun brings the temperature in the greenhouse to levels that even heat-loving tomatoes and cucumbers do not stand up and die. This does not happen, when at any moment you can lift the transom and reduce thereby the temperature in the greenhouse. Well, what about those owners of the garden plots, which come to the country at best once a week?

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WATER IN THE WHEELS...Original and practical design vinnichina Oleg Ostapenko A. obviously liking the readers of our magazine. After the transfer of the Central television “you can” in which the editorial Board takes an active part, and the publication of “Panorama” some of the technologies that Amateur constructor in our mailroom received many queries about the features of these machines. That is why in number 4 of the journal for this year, we have placed the description and drawings of two-wheel tractor-tug, and now provide page numbers for story of a three-wheeled tractor-wagon, adapted for operation in complex terrain.