ARCH GREENHOUSEGreenhouses, of course, not a fad or fashion, and suffered many a necessity. After all, these buildings, covering a plot of land of glass or plastic, allow * not only early to plant the seedlings in the ground, but also (no less importantly) to protect emerging plants from acid rain or any kind of “evil herbivore”. Special demand from the population use collapsible greenhouses. However, produced by the domestic industry options mostly far from perfect, inconvenient and usually prohibitively expensive. Here and master gardeners-gardeners in their plots all sorts of designs from scrap materials where lead foil, a nail, a Board homegrown clip. Construction work flimsy, “perniciously” not withstand even one season of operation. But… Every spring the people with the tenacity of a tight dried-up film (the other being at hand at that time somehow is not) skeletons of their teplichku-greenhouses.

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Recently have retired and the new citizens as well as vacationers, avid hunters, fishermen and tourists enjoyed great popularity, convenient to carry-litre gas cylinders for fuel-efficient compact plates. However, workers filling points made “adjustments”. Referring to the alleged substantial loss of gas when filling very small containers, they almost universally ceased to serve the owners of small cylinders. To rescue a troubled people averse to filling station, but the existing equipment is not adapted for refilling litre tanks.

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DRIED-SMOKED? PLEASE! To dry mushrooms, fruit, or smoke, for example, meat, fish — not from an ambulance. And troublesome, tiresome to make sure that the process went properly and the result was good food for the winter. For drying use the heat of the sun or the stove, and for Smoking — smoker, often antiquated and inefficient. I suggest to use better technology with the use of Lectro-dryer-smokehouse, to make that under any homebrew.

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An incubator for breeding chickens at home can quickly to make, having a thermostat with indicator light on and the cord with plug (eg, burnt-out iron), a couple of 300 Ohm tubular wirewound resistors type PEV-100, two tanks under the humidifier, a metal grid with cells 5×5 mm Yes pine boards. And to control the incubation process it is advisable to have any (even homemade) psychrometer, dryer and candling.

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BEE Bort, the deck, the nest, Sapeda, turning” kalinya (risers) and horizontal (beds) framework hives.. Homemade design in this far from complete list of bee homes—are not uncommon. Sure: the new beehive, the author of which is repeated winner of all-Russian exhibitions of the best works of beekeepers, and (encouraging) a longtime friend of our magazine, will be greeted with interest by all interested readers.

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METABOLOMIC GARDENERWhen plowing or tillage in the garden is easier to use a walk-behind tractor with mounted equipment. This is due to the fact that lands in the garden, usually small; in addition, not all beds need to plow. In such circumstances, traktorist difficult to maneuver and how easy is unfolding almost on the spot. E. Kulikov (der. Bornukovo, Nizhny Novgorod region) when doing the tillers, on the basis of these considerations.

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COLLAPSIBLE CARTTo carry different loads offer a lightweight collapsible cart, for the manufacture of which would require a small number of parts. This homemade contraption of frames and the rear wheels of two old road bikes. Cross beam, removable handle and cross braces made of pipes from the backs of old metal beds. Support removable hinges with spring terminal clamps — “steel rod” with a diameter of 6 mm. their Number is from four to six the Rest of the details — from the remnants of the same Velor

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...AND WITH A MAGNETI have developed an activator of water consists of two glued together half-liter plastic bottles of kvass (their wall at the junction with a window size 170×5 mm, sometimes there are small semi-permeable membrane) of two immersed electrodes, the rectifier and manicavasagar device. The latter is a 3200-turn coil, a wound wire ПЭВ2-0.15 per plastic sleeve with a length of 60 mm and an external diameter of 6 mm.

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