Small-scale mechanization
Those who have not yet acquired a welding machine (SA), I recommend you make it yourself on the basis of a failed induction motor. The cost is minimal, but the result… and development, which can be used for turning scrap stator in a good “svarochnik”, published a lot (see, for example, “modelist-Konstruktor” № 8’92, 11’95, 1’96, 3’96). I would be glad if someone useful to my practice-proven tips.
Mixer when building a house. Cement mortar require a lot, besides he needs occasional stirring. A trough with a shovel is not important here assistants — nama with them before the aching all over my body and the quality of the mixture will remain low. Purchase the same brand design expensive not everyone afford.
Installation for boiling water widespread. Including electrical, type “Titan”. Becoming the owner of one of these decommissioned boilers, decided the best original designs to create electrojuice extractor could not be found. Looked promising case “steel”: perfectly preserved, with tightly screwed-on cover and two interior cylinders.
In the repair and testing of electrical tillers, not equipped with a battery, as well as type motorcycles “Voskhod-ZM” and mopeds have to ensure that the system power supply every time you start the engine. Troublesome, and unnecessary consumption of gasoline. But there is good, in my opinion, the solution is to use as a source of energy for household electricity. Only need the upgraded power unit from child filmoscope.
echnology the manufacture of major components of the mill are quite simple. From thick-walled pipe 60×10 mm should be cut on the machine supporting sleeve and “grab” it to gas or electric to advance cut a circle out of smooth steel sheet with a thickness of about 10 mm. Then, while holding the “oven MITT” in the Chuck of the lathe, the handle to the required size billet cap so that the socket diameter 332 mm coincided with the sizes of available drum. Likewise be made and a second drive.
Getting a series of experiments related to the breeding of cold-resistant varieties of corn, I remembered about the amazing properties of water, treated with a constant electric current. In particular, that formed in the zone of the cathode, the catholyte has reducing (alkaline) properties and behaves according to the truth as “living” water, in contrast to its antipode — anolyte, a kind of oxidizer, or “dead” water produced in the area of the anode.Relying on high biological activity of the catholyte, decided to treat a handful of seeds before sowing in progressiya the ground. “Living” water was required very little. But where is the “spring”, from which it can be obtained?
The proposed machine is designed primarily for disposal of dilapidated wooden buildings on the wood. Because of the many nails sticking out everywhere, this waste material can not afford a chainsaw “Friendship”, and therefore worth a few pennies. Cheapness, of course, attracts. Stops other: than and how to cut this here, bristling with “raviel” a conglomeration of old boards, beams, logs?
The first homemade motorized assistant appeared in our family almost 20 years ago. We made it V. Il’ichev development of the suburbs, published in the journal “modelist-Konstruktor”. And found how good it is to have the farm walk-behind tractor-wagon, which in any case will not fail, be it tillage or the cleaning and removal of crops from the field.
Ceramic jugs in the village are not uncommon. Apparently because of the cheapness and practicability of vessels of baked clay, in which water almost months remains prohladnenskiy, and dairy products long do not spoil. They say that in bolsaescola buried in the neck in the ground and tightly sealed jars, it is preferable to preserve even home “wedding” wine. But to use them as a vegetable store…
As you know, Central Russia — a zone of risky agriculture. The late spring frosts, the “acid” summer rains, early autumn cold… in short, without a greenhouse on the plot is not enough. Otherwise they will not ripen there no cucumbers, no tomatoes. Of course, if we are talking about the same bed under the film is a small problem. Now in stores you can buy a set of parts of a light metal frame, assemble it, cover with film and the greenhouse is ready! Another thing, if you want to make the greenhouse more — it will require the construction of a strong metal or wooden structures, and eventually the construction will cost the farmer a pretty penny.