THE SECRET OF POPULARITYTHE SECRET OF POPULARITYOnly two years have passed since that time, as the Federation of auto modeling sport of the USSR adopted a decision on the introduction of a new class of E-2. And this, in General, insignificant for the history of the development of the modeling period, a new class has gained popularity, is not inferior to any other self-similar. What is the secret of success?

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AVIATION WINGWhen the boy, fascinated by the construction of models racing yachts for the first time the opportunity to try their hand at the most important stage in the competition? Of course, in the spring, at the start of the school Championships. But if a novice athlete has never appeared on the waters in terms of the competition, if he has no more experience of running sailing models, and knowledge on hydro – and aerodynamics and meteorology small — model traditional scheme it is doomed to failure.


PARTA OF SPEED SPECIALIST“Wow, beautiful…” — that was the unanimous opinion of the participants about our high-speed cord models. After a short discussion, the boys made a “sentence” is a set of custom-making seem stamped out of plastic: “if we are…” oke We tried to explain that such models can build one that sets parcels elega/^tion speed is irrelevant and that make it much easier than any other… in Short, it ended up that I had to give details about the design, technology, construction and finishing of the new device. And then started flying again confirmed the unwritten law of aviation — a beautiful machine fly well!

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THE CAR BECOMES RESISTANCEExactly the same as a modern car, soft suspension is needed and its radio-controlled models-copies. After all, the impact of the model on the ground or, conversely, jump over a depression in the road surface lead to vertical oscillations of the wheels of the car that is transferred to the axles and the body. Hard suspension a strong impact on the wheel during motion leads to a separation from the road the entire model. To avoid this soft suspension allows the wheel.

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ASSISTANT FORECASTERWeather service uses a variety of research methods. One of them is the distribution of atmospheric parameters on height. To quickly solve this problem scientists helps small uncontrollable meteorological rocket MMR-06 with solid engine. The maximum height of ascent is 60 km; the instrument complex allows to measure the temperature and pressure of the air to determine the wind velocity vector. Information transfer to the ground by the telemetry system.

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BEST OF THE BESTCase microsociety class S6A (Fig. 1) champion 1986 A. mityureva formed of two layers of fiberglass with a thickness of 0.025 mm and subsequent treatment with sandpaper. The mandrel of variable cross section, largest Ø 18 mm, and a minimum of 13.2 mm. Aft of the case is tapered, with the last 7 mm of the length it is cylindrical, above — the length of 30 mm to a transition cone. The length of the main cylindrical portion 89 mm, the bottom glued the balsa frame with a hole beneath the engine. This provides accurate setting of MRD. The frame is made of a radial hole for fixing studs of the engine. Stabilizers balsa, with a thickness of 0,7 mm. the lateral side reinforced with fiberglass. Fairing fiberglass. It is pasted inside a frame. Join the corps — through mounted in the spinner.


ELEKTROPEREDACHAIt is not easy to be “protanium”! As in any other class of modeling, the success of his performance depends on the number of workouts. And how to look forward to the end of the long winter to come up with a model for the wet melting snow from the track and begin a new sports season! He flies quickly: in only five months. The rest of the year can only be used for the construction of new equipment. So if we had to continue training all year round! But it is hampered and the lack of winter sites suitable for starting, and poor performance nitro engines in the cold. And the use of such “exercises” stiff arm a little.

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MICROAGE CLASS PToday we introduce modelers-students with two versions of microart class P. the Elegance of the external lines, simplicity of design and manufacture — this is an incomplete list of advantages of these models, designed and built by young athletes Moldovan CSUT under the guidance of an experienced teacher, a veteran of labour and fleet D. Vysheslavsky. Using new technology, children have made significant weight reduction of the housings and the models themselves. Steel yachts virtually unsinkable, increased their rapidity. As soon as the young modelers have gained experience of commissioning models and the ability to feel the weather, the performances microparasite this type of steel to bring them consistent success on the scoring starts.