RECORD HOLDER... SIMPLICITYIf in the famous Guinness book of records recorded the simplicity and manufacturability, today we present to your attention a model would be the first contender for such a record. Especially attractive it is for young athletes. This model is a “bouzouki” with the engine working volume of 1.5 cm3. And all that will be needed for the manufacture of its frame, — a little more than five meters pine slats section 3X12 mm. They are easy to saw on the machine “Skillful hands”. The weight of the rails is about 100 G. Hence, with a relatively large wing area (dm2 21) it is easy to achieve a low specific loading and good maneuverability.


TRIPLE - SNOWMOBILE!Still not having accurate information, will allow the professional micromotors in the school types of the car, we decided a new “sled” design under MDS-1,5 D of production ON Savelovsky “Progress”. If not today, then tomorrow, the race for the result will be a three-band motors in the world is simple cord snowmobile, and on trainings it is possible not to burn preparirovanie and therefore malaisrie MK-17. As you can see, the reasons for the transition to MDS we had.


SPORT DINGHY AT THE HOME OF THE SHIPYARD“Moth” is the name of this sports Dinghy. Thousands of boats ply the waters of the lakes and reservoirs in many countries of the world. Especially popular vessels of this class in Czechoslovakia and the GDR. Sailboats these are not monotypes, that is, do not have strictly defined form. The rules allow while maintaining the basic dimensions of the vessel as modification of its contours and the use of different materials for the housings. One of the constructive options, “the Moth,” we offer our readers. Dimensions sailboat the following: maximum length — 3.35 m, maximum width — 1.6 m, sail area — 8 m2.


UNUSUAL LAYOUTWe all somehow got used to the fact that in the model aircraft competition “Experiment” most of the participants performs with apparatus of the type “flying wing”. Today, however, experimenting with such models is possible only in the sense to improve sporting results in the institutionalized rules of the subclasses. More serious problems “flying laboratory-wings”, as thoroughly investigated in aerodynamics to solve. The results show these models are much lower than conventional sports.


SECOND BIRTH First the model of similar schemes appeared in the all-Union competition in 1982. With them were athletes from Moscow. But at the time of competition for soft raketoplana the type of wing”, Rogallo” they be not could. And further development of “hard” rocket gliders did not have. However, with the introduction in 1989 of a new category (S8 — rocket glider, which have not allowed separation of any elements of the design, including the engine block) this scheme has found a second birth in the category S4 (here design with soft wing is not allowed). In favour of the scheme say and world records set by V. Minakova and S. Ilyin, S. Ilyina at the training camp of the USSR team. The model we present to athletes rocketmodeler.


THE WINGS OF THE PILEMechanical properties and geometry accuracy of load-bearing planes of flying models is largely dependent on technology, build their skeleton. The most known and widespread technique of carrying out of Assembly works with the use of flat boards, not strictly the existing slipway. However, it has a number of disadvantages. To take at least extremely uncomfortable and far from accurate installation of a wide rear edge with concave-convex profiling plane.


ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF MASTERSIn the “M-K” № 5 for 1988 was placed the story about the interesting experience of meeting the demand of young athletes to modelistica products. The Taganrog plant Priboy began issuing the namesake of the sets of semi-finished products for the construction of the cord racing car. And the development of micromachines have been carried out by gorsyut.


MICROSOCIETY OF ULYANOVSK SHKOLNIKOVRocket modeling is recently gaining popularity in the Ulyanovsk region. Guys of all ages come in groups space modeling. Interesting fact: regional team “rocket” is composed almost entirely of pupils of 4-8 grades. And this team, despite his young age, two years in a row at the zonal competitions of the championship of the RSFSR honorary second place. About the most successful development of the Ulyanovsk athletes students this story.


BOAT FOAMFor training younger students in ship modeling circle city of Kaspiysk, Dagestan Soviet Rupublic under the leadership of V. Tolchennikov developed a model of the yacht foam. It is easy to manufacture, does not require scarce materials and skills from the guys. Students in grades 2-4, resting in the pioneer camp will be able to produce a model for two or three days. In addition, such yachts can get the best results that will allow children to learn the rules of the competition and the judging.

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