FROM THE RIVER TO THE SLIPWAY MODELERGerman river motor yacht “bar-new” (Warnow) was the inspiration great procopii, equipped with an electric motor and two channel radio control equipment. She was repeatedly reproduced by modelers and enjoyed great success at competitions and demonstrations. In the absence of radio equipment with the model it is possible to speak in the classroom “bramahadev”. The design model is simple. With its manufacture and Assembly can handle every aspiring constructor of ship models. The case is of classic design, stacked wooden. Collect it on the epoxy. Mounting up the keel on a flat Board-berth with a fixed drawing with the layout of the centerline and locations of frames from the 1st through the 6th. All of the parts of the frame previously marked in accordance with drawings, cut out and treated.



Now we can safely say: RC model become the most popular in our country, turning from an object of elite hobby at a relatively affordable hobby for many athletes. The reason for this is the emergence of both simple and complex, and most importantly — reliable control equipment. Now, according to experts, the number of “cordovil”, “svobodnoradikal” and “radio operators” as a first approximation, equal. More important was the question of where to start entry into the most difficult class RC. The theoretical directions and schools here, there are many. But. it seems that there is no more reliable and “bloodless” (the number of broken during the development of radiobiology models) than the traditional, based on a gradual transition from simple gliders to more and more complex motor vehicles.


Going into the club “Technical modeling”, we saw a lot of bench models made of paper and cardboard by One of our members suddenly suggested — and in fact the GAK you can build and track racing. Then it will go is available for all thick thick paper or thin cardboard! This material allows to implement all the plans and fantasies in the manufacture of the trace models.


PROPELLER -THE PROPELLER UNIVERSALThe driving force of the engine during the flight of model airplanes, aerovision or aeromobile is the thrust of the propeller. The quality of the workmanship and clarity of the selection of the propulsion depends largely on the General characteristics of the constructed model. It is therefore clear that the design process of the propellers is paid maximum attention. However, the calculation methods of the selection of propellers is highly intricate, time-consuming and not very accurate. Today we recommend a number of well-established screws, already tested on a mass micro-motors internal combustion.



If your circle or the personal “reserve” still have one or, even better, several copies of the old glow motors “Comet-5”, in no case do not throw them away at the next disassembly, do not attempt to use them to create air compressors. The fact that the “Comet” at the end of serial production of which became completely unworkable, it turns out, can be completely transformed into a powerful and reliable motor. Just need to figure out which side is the right approach n the issue. So, if you need an easy, good and sufficient resource engine working volume of 5 cm 3, use the following recommendations. Do note that the proposed alteration is designed for minimum security modelers, and therefore, from mechanical processing requires only simple turning.


GLIDER, BUT NOT ONLYWe present radiomodulators development created by Czech athletes. Although the model presented by the authors as “glider”, its capabilities are much greater. Suffice it to say that a powerful engine with a working volume of 3,5 cm3 this machine can even be used as Aeromexico to slip the glider with a wingspan of up to 2.8 m! Very good “Stratos” — is the name of this interesting aircraft — and behaves as a purely motor technology, and as a glider.The basis of the fuselage are two symmetrical side cut from balsa wood with a thickness of 4 mm. In the front they are strengthened by adding plywood with thickness of 1 mm. from inside the Engine compartment on the sides further inlaid balsa thickness of 10 mm, which allows you to securely attach engine mount out of plywood with a thickness of 9 mm. the Tail part of the fuselage assembled using balsa stringers and racks section 3×6 mm.


MODEL AIRCRAFT ENGINE -IT IS REAL!Modelers – people are scrupulous, and appreciate when a replica model of the aircraft, ship or tank is not only the most similar prototype, but repeats it in great detail. Imagine that you will be able to demonstrate a model of passenger airliner or fighter jet, including the main design elements of its engines! Today we talk about how modern aircraft gas turbine engine (GTE) and why building it requires a higher skill level. This publication will also be useful for followers of simulation, shipbuilding and armored vehicles. Because it is often under the deck of a modern ship or under armor tank is still the same GTD.

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Unfortunately, there are many places in our country where the average Modeler is not able to provide not only quality Mylar film stitched winged vehicles, but even so elementary a binder, like glue BF-2. For such restricted security conditions and designed the proposed design model of air combat. Designed by the classical scheme and has a fairly high potential.



Only laudatory conclusions on flight characteristics received from everyone who was able to make her acquaintance, new polupoltina RC car. A great combination of handling and stability in all axes, a surprisingly low – speed flight, small sensitivity to sudden gusts of wind and good properties in the plan after stopping the engine and landing — here is the list of its advantages. The model is so poised in the air, despite diskoplana scheme, it can be recommended even for beginners in radiopilot to purchase both initial and follow-up skills in management. The latter makes this cruise a very versatile machine, especially considering its just amazing strength.



One of the most important components of the control system with cord model airplane rocking chair that serves as the connecting link between the cord strands and rods for the rudders. Structures of these nodes knows a lot. But, in fact, all of them are divided only into two groups — classic rocking and disk. Both traditional schemes has its own inherent flaws. Thus, the conventional rocking chair in connection with a change in angle relative to the direction of cords in its turn has a variable gear ratio. In addition, this system takes a lot of space in the model, and at large the required control effort, the scope of the rocking becomes so significant that the node weight begins prison the cable that connects the two kordovye threads, thrown through the simple pulley, the diameter of which is limited only by the flexibility of the cable used. The rope on the pulley is not fixed and can therefore drag-and-dropped in the model for the entire length on both sides. One arm cable half-ring is attached to the sealing, which holds one of the levers easy simple politically. If you carefully consider the principle of operation of the new system, it will be clear that the selection of parameters politically fails to provide any parameters of the control system as a whole. It seems that unique rocking chair has no weaknesses.